It’s time to begin addressing the guns, Any Forums

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or the cops could have just did their job?

>quasim rashid esq
who is this faggot again and why we should care?

There wasn’t an officer on site and the doors were unlocked.
Also the retard mag dumped the school from the parking lot after shooting at random people outside and the teachers still didn’t lock their classroom doors

i just said this shitskin's name and my couch starting floating. go fuck yourself OP

Or they could have allowed the teachers to be armed, or actually have an officer in. Really, there's a lot they could have done.

>>quasim rashid esq

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How do we know a retired fed was in the discord server again?

dear guns please kill anti-gun faggots, your fren, apu.

The Republican obstructionists showed this cannot be addressed through congress or the courts, and have rairloaded states rights, and leave no other option but a constitutional convention allowing the repeal of the second amendment. 39 governorship are up in the 2022 elections. If democrats win most of them then a constitutional convention can be had and the 2A can be repealed. It's been done before with the 19th. It can happen again with the second. The Republicans leave no other choice with their judicial activism and misinterpretion of the ammendment since Heller.

Or the teacher that left a door propped open?

yeah exactly, was plenty of options and they did nothing and just blame it on guns

lol even if you repeal i'm still shooting you faggot

Homosexual sand nigger who hates America has opinion. miss me wit dat

He is absolutely correct. Why would a target of mass shooters be a gun free zone?

If you want to die, go for it.

It's unfair to blame the police. They're just regular people and shouldn't have to put their lives on the line for children. Not to mention they get paid so little that it's not worth it to them.


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Remember 3 years ago when the left was pro-gun because they needed them to stop Trump's fascism?

LOL come on down you frail faggot. My body is ready.

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>laughs in second amendment preservation act.

Cops in my state get fined $50k+ if they try to enforce any new federal gun laws so suck my dick Mohamed esq.

>regular people and shouldn't have to put their lives on the line for children
protect and serve or dont do the fucking job
that is exacltly what they signed up for
they literally did a drill for it in the weeks leading up to the shooting

Imagine caring what some sand nigger thinks

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