Becoming a Christian

I believe in God. I used to be agnostic after a long time of being a Christian but I now know that the Bible is true after years of denying its reason. I am know studying the KJV Bible but in need of help. Should I get baptized? How does this happen when you are an adult? I do not whether to be Catholic, Protestant or non aligned. Can some Christian anons help. God bless.

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Or even Orthodoxy.

>of being a Christian
I meant of being an Athiest.

Reach out to an Orthodox priest, attend Divine Liturgy. In time you will be brought into the catechumenate and in a year or so after that will be baptized into the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church founded by Christ Himself, through His Apostles.

The Bible has 500 plot holes

Here's a really good introductory course on Church history. Good place to start. But it's also necessary to read the Church fathers as well.

>The Bible has 500 plot holes
Like what for example? Which isn’t due to translation issues or simply reading things literally.

All I have on Christianity, the teachings, morals, philosophy, law, history, origin etc.

Christianity being in opposition to jewry:
Pagan gods being the angels
Historical Evidence for Jesus
How Christianity transformed the wold
Correcting claims on common misrepresented parts of the history:
Sodom and Gomorrah<
"Dinosaurs", Behemoths and Nephilim
Teachings, Doctrines and Guidelines
Pauls work
OT and NT belonging together:
The destruction of the Temple
Logical argument for the christian God
Different teachings within Genesis:
Sun as symbol for God
Purpose behind good and evil
Afterlife and Judgementday:
Why Jesus is needed:
Role of the chosen people

Attached: Jesus not nice.jpg (1500x2057, 893.44K)

The Indi Sermon Collection

On forgiveness and sinning.
Trust in God as an excuse to do nothing
Appealing to the masses, but abbominable to God
Confusing mercy and patience with weakness

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Thank you user. I do not know if there exists a lot of Orthodox churches where I live but I will research it. Thank you for the link!

Go to church and talk to a priest. I would attend RCIA if you want to learn more (i.e Catechism).

just find a preacher and tell him you want to be baptized, QT.

I will tomorrow with good time. It is a lengthy process but it is worth it for salvation however I have issues with the current Pope and Pope’s in general. Wouldn’t this be a problem?

>Should I get baptized?
definitely. I only would say first read the Bible, clear uo reasons of doubt so thr baptism is with complete "informed consent" how people like to call it and not an empty gesture. but we are told to be baptized and baptize others

>How does this happen when you are an adult?
figure that out with your local church.just go and ask about it

>I do not whether to be Catholic, Protestant or non aligned
well, dodge mormons (freemason cult). Also Jehovas witnesses and those unitarian pro fag churches.
Beyond that all the churches are corrupt and run by either jesuits (vatican) or freemasons and rosecrucians (protestants). However you can still use those as community center to meet with like minded people to discuss problems in the neighborhood and organize to solve them, or discuss scripture and faith and get someone schooled in the scripture to answer questions. Remember its not the instutution or the buildings that are the church, but the people
>20For where two or three gather together in My name, there am I with them.
Focusing on denominations while shunning people for being in the wrong one is another divide and conquer. Be happy someone chooses to follow Christ as that enables us to come together and discuss how to do this properly.

Be united in Christ and not divided by institutions and as such just try out the churches and see where you fit in I guess

You will soon find out that Christians like nothing more than to go after each other and whatever they disagree about. That is what modern Christianity is actually all about. This will eventually frustrate you. The best thing is to just not pick a denomination at all. Denomination just means division. If you are a Christian then you are simply just a Christian. Fellowship with anybody that follows what Christ taught. If they are wrong on non-salvation based issues, then don't get hung up on it. We are judged according to our understanding.

True user. Our bodies are a temple in a way. I wish to just live my life without sin for once. I have had enough of all the debauchery that I have committed and wish to do better. I am not doing this altruistically I simply want to be on the path of righteousness and be in the Lord’s light.

>We are judged according to our understanding.
I agree however I also love the community that Christianity brings, the idea of being with Good people. I have noticed that it is true that those who lack faith lack morals. I want only to live a simple life.

No, problem brother. The more research you do, the more profound and life changing the Orthodox faith becomes. Reading the Church fathers will have you blown away at the 2000 years of wisdom that has been thrown away and replaced with the utterly vapid philosophies of our modern age. You'll begin to see how much deeper and relevant the true Christian faith is and how it directly relates to the human experience when compared to the shallow theology of the heterodox. I too, was born and raised atheist and converted to Holy Orthodoxy as an adult. Still the only one in my family who is a baptized Christian.

As for the limited number of parishes, this is sadly a difficult problem that many have here in the west, myself included. When I first entered the Church I drove 90min to my nearest parish every sunday. Ultimately, the time and money when compared with the true faith.

Another video to add to your list, dealing with human anthropology and the true purpose of human life. A doctrine lost in all the heterodox versions of Christianity. God bless you brother and may the Lord guide you into the true faith!

Time and money is irrelevant when compared with the true faith*

Yet another retard embraces a crutch because he's afraid of death. Many such cases.

I will watch and better myself friend. Bless you for your recommendations.

>God creates man in his own image
>God is perfect
>man is not
>man eats forbidden fruit
>God punishes his perfect creation
>Creates a covenant years later with his imperfect creation
>Floods them and destroys their largest cities
>Becomes man in the flesh to create a new covenant
>they kill him
None of this shit makes sense

>Our bodies are a temple in a way.
I feel people (not you necessarily) dont really grasp this part, so let me expand a bit
>19 Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20you were bought at a price. Therefore glorify God with your body.
This on the surface looks clear, keep your temple/body clean/healthy, dont sin. However the temple is also where worship and sacrifice happen. Its true the mandatory sacrifices are abolished, Christ payed for all of those, including the sin offerings. However there are free will and thanks giving sacrifices still. And we commit those through the temple, our body, sacrificing energy, effort, time and even our lives to do Gods will. We worship Him in mind and in works, not to earn some salvation, but out of love and thankfulness to Him, as well as love to all around us whom our sin would hurt.

You did the great first step seemingly already, admitted your errors and repented of them, now its time to put effort and energy into comitting to this, again not to earn something, but because you were gifted something already, even if its just the life itself.
I want to add that you shouldnt lose heart when you become weak and sin eventually. Its bad, of course, but God is there to forgive you always, and we all are sinful in various degrees, but as long as you keep trying im sure God is there for you in the end.

>41“Two men were debtors to a certain moneylender. One owed him five hundred denarii,e and the other fifty. 42When they were unable to repay him, he forgave both of them. Which one, then, will love him more?”
>43“I suppose the one who was forgiven more,” Simon replied.
>“You have judged correctly,” Jesus said.

>>Floods them and destroys their largest cities
He creates a covenant with Noah after the flood user. You must know only what those tell you about the Faith.