
>According to Forsman Farms website, the farm started in 1918, and now the fourth-generation family farm sells more than three million eggs a day to some of the nation’s largest retailers.
>“It was unbelievable how quick it grew, it was insane,” Andy Trebesch said. “It was the whole sky, it was quite large.”
>A barn housing tens of thousands of chickens was leveled, in what a farm spokesperson called a “tragic accident.”

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hows that cheap wetback labor working out?

tip: menial labor has been a classic vector for infiltration and sabatage since the dawn of fucking time.

>oh no an industrial accident, must be the RED DEER EVENT in TWO WEEKS!!!!
do you Chuds ever get tired of losing?

It's okay, bill gates will save them by buying their farmland and business. What a terrible tragedy that happened completely by accident though.

Hoenstly this is why we need big agriculture. These family run farms just don't know how to properly imement safety measures.

>no food
>no fuel
>Chinese mobilizing for US invasion

Keep importing those brown aliens so they can burn down more factories.

We are in WW3 but it's not missiles and nukes it's about bringing your enemies to their knees with their own populace from either starvation or political/Ideological Division. We are losing

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It looks like their chicken's cooked.

I like my eggs scrambled.

My coincidence detector just exploded.

Is it really still an "accident" at this point?

you can make these fuckers in the microwave, might be time to buy a few cans

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>never forget the 3 gorillion poultrycaust
look familiar?

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The smell of cooking chicken will travel miles and miles. Their problems have only just begun.



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>These family run farms just don't know how to properly imement safety measures.
The big guys really know how to imement.

How would we know if this happens or doesn't happen every year though


I worked for a local company on a poultry farm. they followed ZERO OSHA, FDA, or EPA rules ever. if you go out there and dig up certain areas you will find illegal dumping out the ass. toxic waste, motor oil, industrial solvents. the inspector for hte govt would go to the titty bar with the company owner and party and everyone got a 100% perfect score,

Must be some careless smoker in the US

Isn't this the second farm to burn down this week with the egg one happening the other day. Something fucking bizarre is going on. Who's behind this?

Honestly how do we defend ourselves against the space lasers?
We're gonna have to resort to becoming mole people.

Does shit like this happen in good times but isn't newsworthy because there's plenty of other sources of food, or has there really been a large increase in this? Its fucking weird, seems like once a week a node in the food supply burns down. Always burns down too, thats wierd.

perfectly normal
farms and food processing plants burn down every day
why don't you go watch some more amber herd and relax, goy

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I got powered eggs, same?

The chickens were not having it anymore and decided to protest by burning down their own neighborhood.

>Officials say no injuries were reported, but there was extensive damage to property.
Extensive damage, likely will take the farm offline for weeks, months, or even indefinitely


interestingly enough I could not archive this page with wayback machine and instead had to use archivedotph

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Homosota - not my problem.

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Well I am pretty tired now that you mention it.

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looks like a mostly peaceful combustion to me

boy I am getting real sleepy from all these coincidences

likely industrial sabotage right?

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This is all part of the WEF and the Democrat's great reset.

Huge increase, nato is attacking America started in 2020, trump had to sign orders to force military to protect the factories and staff them because foreign workers were sabotaging the pork and chicken plants, biden has removed those protections


Ahh faster than we can update the lists, even. Holodomor 2022.

Sorry chickens. Misdirecred rage comes from beef eating among other things.

These threads are beginning to make me nervous , heh;; Poor chickens.

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Is accelerating fast yet? There is, what, 2 accidents like this each day.

what will I feed the girl I kidnapped while she was walking home from the bar last night?

>do you Chuds ever get tired of losing?
Your post is meaningless garbage and makes no sense.
I'm going to guess bot.

After dozens of others burned in past three years nato shill, burn in hell

Can they just admit we are at war, the people will lynch the Jews and politicians because there is no one else responsible for this, the dominant narrative is the globohomo is doing this for population control, which is most likely the case

Pretty much

What exactly is Bill Gates's plan here?

There has been more food processing plants burning down this year so far than the entire last year and these aren't some no name small time plants either, they are lynch pin production centers which process at least 5% of the entire country's food supply.
The effects of such sabotage will be felt in both directions with the cattle getting culled because it couldn't be processed and the prices skyrocketing because the supply isn't there.

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Chicken lives matter

Source? Not memeing, genuinely curious.

Buckle up user. Talk to your Gods and stay peaceful in your mind. But buckle up.

Not that im so ignorant to believe these are all accidents and all just one big coincidence but what the hell is so flammable in a chicken factory/farm that couldn't be put under control by just calling the fucking fire department???

Oh noes
1.5% of our daily consumption is gone
We might have to eat two fewer eggs this whole year
Wake me when something interesting actually happens

(I deleted my prev post because of bad pic)
It doesn't take 3 years to rebuild a farm like this, it's 1 year at best
This is not a happening.

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is this part of the manufactured famine?

>How would we know if this happens or doesn't happen every year though
Seems to be escalating, I'd like to see a ten year average to compare.

>>A barn housing tens of thousands of chickens
So one barn that accounts for less than 2% of that farm's total production?
Yeah, I'm sure mass starvation is right around the corner.

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same as I tried Yandex-ing but I apparently am not getting the correct keywords in, I would also like some source

I'm on tablet so not at hand but search forbkeyword defense production act trump orders national guard pence pork chicken etc

>likely industrial sabotage right?
Could well be Chinese sleeper cells, that has been predicted.

Wow who cares nigger.

I own a hobby farm and I have over 1000 chickens. 10000 is nothing. They get slaughtered all the time

it's kind of animal abuse scenario at this point, no? get peta involved lol.

Add it to the list

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lifers will starve to death

Imagine not having your own chicken coop in the years of our lord 2022

So still less than 10% of their production.
For context the USA produces 31 MILLION eggs per day. You fat fucks aren't going to starve any time soon.

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I'm actually kinda getting scared now

Look at this seething shill

5.3M hens (one of WORLDS largest) destroyed on 4/28/22


200,000 (one of NATIONS largest, so far likely to rise to more than a million) hens destroyed on 5/28/22


The farms can't be rebuilt, can't get construction materials, permits, or chickens, or fda approval, we are under attack WAKE UP AND ARM YOURSELVES WE ARE AT WAR

Nobody even made a mention of this. Only you did. Nice shit job on trying to raid and blast label the chat faggot. Too soon junior.

Tibetan chickens?

That would be great but not true. All the likes pulling this shit are coming and protected by US