Why aren't more democrats focusing on the healthcare / bullying angle of this shooter?

Here you have a shooter who grew up in a broken home, was bullied throughout his life, probably barely went to a doctor or therapist, if at all, and was pushed to the brink. Why aren't more self-identified dems playing up the bullying / healthcare angle? That seems like the easiest, most politically convenient route to go rather than falling for the "ban guns"/ ban white people narrative.

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because banning guns is their goal, the shootings they plan and the shooters they groom are just the means to that end

because they're fucking disingenuous big surprise

It is a key part of the democrat playbook to never let a crisis go to waste. They don't give a damn about kids. They LOVE dead children. All they want is to exploit the emotions of the moment to gain power and push their anti-American agenda.

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Because elevation of victimhood only applies to niggers

No matter what the circumstances, they have to lie. They have to stay in the habit of deceiving everyone.


Unironically these lefties need to be shot. In minicraft.

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Cause leftists don't actually care about bullying or mental health, they just want to get rid of the guns.

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Because, in reality, some people are seriously wired fucking wrong. It doesn’t matter the income, the presence or lack of parental guidance or the bullying. Most kids eventually mature enough to recognize they got handed a shitty hand in the game of life and find a way to cope and move on.

Explain the American agenda. Please
And The anti-American agena in ur own words

I got handed a fairly weak hand- poverty, bullied, divorced parents. Never once had the notion of killing myself or shooting up a school. It has everything to do with how one processes life.

Learning much rather later in life that I may be on the spectrum, not going to bother verifying but answers a few questions about why my sibling has difficulty recognizing his “personal observations” can be so painful to observe.

>auntie vice
>wine aunt
>no kids
>hates kids
>doesn’t understand kids
>hates men because she’s old and they’ve stopped attention to her
>wants revenge
>is a bitch

This, it costs them voters

It actually makes them look weak and pitiful
It also makes the normies push further from their ideas and to question if people supporting them have mental problems

Seriously though, every wannabe president has hugged a baby to pass themselves off as that typical guy candidate.

>how dare they rightfully identify the reason these trannies goes crazy and shoot up schools
its why its mostly in shit hole liberal areas the get shot up

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protip: healthcare and mental health is just as toothless as the uvalde pd.

we need a spiritual revolution
one that focuses on liberation and love.
all these alternatives are basically asking to just put a muzzle on it and leash it up.

It's the ccp paying and blackmailing to "hold back the west" so they can get ahead
Reality is it's useless crap costing them more than they ever gain, especially when it comes back over into china

they dont actually want to change anything