France hate thread

Fuck these subhuman surrender monkeys

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Shut up

Fuck them

The secret why they are emigrating as many people as possible into the 1st world is due to the famine scheduled later this year. They need to keep some of that genetic diversity before the 3rd world is largely starved off.

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They won more wars that you never did, mutt.

la illaha ila allah

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Attached: Nice - truck attack.webm (432x522, 2.83M)

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Enjoy the cops visit Mohammed.

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Attached: France.webm (264x480, 866.29K)

>Fuck these subhuman surrender monkeys

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Cope frenchshit

>Cope frenchshit

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Attached: Nice truck attack.jpg (1200x630, 86.1K)

Cope some more. Shitskin.

>Cope some more. Shitskin.

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Rot in a pit, frenchcucks.

Attached: frogs.jpg (1600x1200, 204.99K)

>non white hating whites
So accurate.

Attached: Paris.webm (460x574, 1.42M)



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user, I...

Attached: fr10.jpg (1024x676, 80.69K)

The cops are very responsive for this kind of stuff, and Any Forums admins are quite cooperative. He's going to get a few month in the shade.

Threadly reminder that if you have fr*nch blood you are a shitskin

Nothing more?
Have you finished?

>Article 222-33-3 Modifié par LOI n°2014-873 du 4 août 2014 - art. 43
>Est constitutif d'un acte de complicité des atteintes volontaires à l'intégrité de la personne prévues par les articles 222-1 à 222-14-1 et 222-23 à 222-31 et 222-33 et est puni des peines prévues par ces articles le fait d'enregistrer sciemment, par quelque moyen que ce soit, sur tout support que ce soit, des images relatives à la commission de ces infractions.
>Le fait de diffuser l'enregistrement de telles images est puni de cinq ans d'emprisonnement et de 75 000 euros d'amende.

You'd better put that hard drive in microwave buddy.

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fr*nce never won a war

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>fr*nce never won a war
Amerimutt education.

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