Tiny white pecker chuds commit 70% of all suicides in america



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Crackers fragile
Black seed to sacred to throw away

come on you little yellow baby dick you can do better

nice link you stupid mother fucker

It’s a sand nigger. East Asians are right behind whites

We live in a society that hates us where we are gaslit every day. Even our foreskins aren’t safe. The only question is why it isn’t higher.
>inb4 muh cope about adjusting for age, education level
Even if you control for everything, whites like themselves at 2x-3x the rate
>inb4 muh subhumans too dumb to an hero
tfw too intelligent to survive

Nothing will be done. The only people who might care browse this board. Everyone else either applauds this or laughs, actively laughs about it.

>Additionally, Asian, Latina, and white straight women all refute messages from Black men -2021

> Black men and women daters were particularly discriminated compared to other minority daters.
>hite straight women are twice as likely to respond to White men compared to Black men.
>Black women are as likely to respond to White men’s messages compared to Black men’s messages. -2022

>“Black and Latin men faced ‘similar discrimination,’ while white men had ratings “most high among women of all races.”

>Meeting online has become the most popular way U.S. couples connect, Stanford sociologist finds

>College-Aged Adults Are Now the Most Likely Online Daters

>suicide is a laughing matter

demonic Chang relishes in depression and death


Blacks kills and robbed other black people in poor comunities that deal with the same stuff that he does, everyday. How do you cope?


> “In fact, Asian women are more likely to be living with white men than with Asian men. Nearly 45 percent of cohabiting Asian women have white partners, while less than 43 percent have Asian partners.”

Seriously what an asshole. I hope OP sets himself on fire.

Lmao seething. What are you gonna do, kill yourselfs? Lol post more interracial statistics mutts that'll make you less suicidal

Go rape your dog again, xio

I am too busy fucking your women.

We all know who the suicidal one is here.

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>what is per capita?

I thought Asians were supposed to be good at math. Think, Chang. Your insectoid race needs you

You don't fuck anyone lmao that's why you seethe at posts you don't like on pol

I'm white and have a small penis but God is my highest priority in this life not hedonistic sexual gratification. I will still find a white wife and have white kids.

Sure thing buddy, sorry we took your girlfreind.

Who? Incels? Lmao

white men are fucking your women at insane rates every year....it statistically happened to you.

blacks (lower IQs) dont get depression.

Onlly asian and whites (higher iq)

>builds civilization
>gets mocked via infographics that were sent using technology your people invented
>haha whitey u bad
>posts on white made invention
>goes to white built school
>literally everything is because of white people
>h-h-hha ha! s-ssee! whyitoi*ds btfo!
yeah yeah keep coping

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So then why are you still a virgin?

I wonder how many pol users have necked this year


>>builds civilization
You didn't build anything Pablo lmao

Feeble yellow hands typed this

I am not I got done fucking a few hours ago...

This is reality.

>I am not I got done fucking a few hours ago...
>This is reality.

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