Why is everything in the modern world so soulless?

What happened in the last 100 years to make all modern design so lazy and ugly?
Why does nobody care about their work anymore?
How could anyone build pic related and feel proud of their work?

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Atheism. Beauty is reserved for those who believe in something.

it’s just the UK that is depressing in every way imaginable

US suburbs are peak comfy in comparison

Secularism, consumerism, materialism.
Society rejects God, and becomes bugs.

The average person values convenience over craftsmanship. This mindset is essential for our modern, globalized economy and is thus encouraged by every corporate entity in existence.

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>nice houses iz for God n shiet
Mutt brained reply as usual. The reason is that the industrial age made mass production of modular homes for profit preferable to building a nice house that would last generations and be passed down.

not everything.

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Economics. Quantity over quality.

This is as simply as you can explain it


US suburbs are specifically designed to be comfy. UK suburbs look and feel like the low-polygon, PS1 version of a US suburb.

> Why does nobody care about their work anymore?

The rounded off corners are very toddler safe.

Because people don't really appreciate real state like in the past, today people attention is on phones and looks, a nice home to live is the second to third thing people really care about.

Multiculturalism destroys communities. Why give a shit about your neighborhood when it is filled with whatever refuge rolls up on your shores?

It's look good, just plant tree and see how it's gain soul


Most small villages in Spain full of religious old people and are absolutely fugly.

People have no time to give extra effort for beauty. It's just about being clean and practical nowadays. Because this world is only about the fake money system, it's annoying and insane and tiresome.

I hate these newbuild estates/blocks, they look soulless and ugly, and they are poorly built, creaky stairs and hollow walls. Fucking shit.

People used to only want to buy nice shit. But then things kept getting cheaper and consoomers kept buying it. Now nothing is nice and everything is mass produced

Better than america suburbs where they design like 4 houses and copy paste them for miles

Why do you idiots always go for "muh atheism"?
This shit is happening in countries that are majority christian too. Why would an atheist specifically not want to have nice things?

Zealots can only imagine doing things for the sake of going to heaven later. There has to be a promised reward from God or they won't put the effort in. It's entirely selfish.

Because this system is at its end.
People are too worn out to develop any culture anymore. Beauty is a luxury.

Mind you, the most Cathedrals were built by volunteers. Some are still hauntingly beautiful.

i didn't believe you (because how can spain be fugly) and dropped the goog maps guy on a rando piece of spain.
does the countryside really look like this?

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this exactly
too much to die, too little to live like a human bring. This is the spot the globohomo wants us.

Worin out. Exhausted. Intimidated and believing out culture is grey and has failed.

Simple, lazy designs make it easier to tear down when (They) shrink the genpop to (Their) desired level.

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Also this!!!

The kind of materialism that is necessary for the post-industrial age is only possible with atheism.

Even an area as bleak as that can be saved by a shitload of trees, plants etc