Is there any truth to “diversity is strength”?

Why do they shove diversity down out throats constantly? I’m sick of diversity.

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the elites know they can make more money if they diversify their investments in hate and division

it's about economics. capitalists want a culturally liberal society where everyone is atomized and unable to organize for their own economic interests. you need race to achieve this. Also Jews like Bill Kristol and Tim Wise

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Onln when we work togther is diversity a strength. Until we do its just an anchor weighing us all down.

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look how diversity is working out for israel.
they are struggling over their capital.

It is true in certain circumstances depending on who’s saying it.
Diversity in our homelands is their strength.

If it was true it would've never had to have been forced.

>Never even got the sniffles
because America isn't majority White anymore
because the majority of White Europe won't be a majority in one decade or two
Whites are done
do something about it or shut up

is what make us similare that unite us
diversity is an obstacle to that
usa worked because of american culture not diversity

Of course not.

The D is for demoralization.

It only creates conflict, and is our greatest weakness.

One could argue diversity of ideas/cultures can result in arriving at innovation faster. An example of this is the Islamic Golden Age, but this was not multicultarism, more like, tolerance of other cultures with tax.

A study on diversity giving better results, which is often cited, shows a diverse group of people arriving at a better solution to several problems vs harvard educated mostly white people. The suggestion being that all those latter people had similar life experiences so thought in a same way, despite it being intelligent. Here's the kicker - the whole study is based on a model, not real life so is pretty much BS lol.

Diversity is your strength only if you are not diverse in your selection criteria - e.g. you pick the smartest people in the room but dont give a shit what they look like for an engineering project. However if you do the inverse of course you fail, which is lost on many.

they had the same religion and culture diversity of idea work if you can agree on the basic

purely economic factors, unironically

>1 post by this ID
>moronic question
Is anyone else not a bot?

Explain "Strength".

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diversity in this case is bad because it leads to a lower IQ.
we need to reduce the diversity of intelligence and make everyone intelligent, so that everyone is more civilized. Genius sperm donation can do this.

See if this resonates with you.
Each human race has a different ET race that spiced their DNA with ours basically creating the different Human races.
Some of these ET races are positive and some are negative.
The positive and negative Et's are at war.
The negative ET's want the blood lines of the positive ET's wiped out or breed out.
When you see the push for race mixing against some races while at the same time other races are protected from the propaganda push it's because the races protected are the negative ERT races.

There is much more but I will keep it short.

Diversity is what made us a superpower.

no american culture is

what am i reading

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No. Divide and conquer is literally the oldest trick in the book.

Unity is strength.

Diversity isn't strength.

It's weakness.

It's the false unity.

Let's unite! But be afraid of me. Be afraid of offending me. Just be afraid around me!

But it's unity!

Americans handled beasts before. With a bullet. They're confused when they come in human form. Don't wanna cross a line, rashly.

So False Diversity isn't strength, when you gotta be careful around someone. You act careful around an enemy that you plan to kill. Not a teammate that's supposed to have your back, and not a knife in it~

The jews aren’t lying when they say that diversity is their greatest strength. Diversity is *their* strength, not yours.


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