Was I too out of line?

I don't think so.

Still got banned.

Attached: RealFemSapien.png (459x522, 52.17K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Seriously, how come all women are whores? What happened?

What’s the channel bro?

I'm really done treating women as equals lately

I have never met a woman who was good and honorable and lovable.

Like you said if they aren't complete harlots it's always just some performative deception. It's like it's impossible to find honesty and genuineness. Women will literally saying anything or do anything if they think it will give them social status and attention. They'll throw away their principles at a drop of hat to follow the next big trend.

Your comment has probably already been automatically shadow banned. Try logging in from another account and seeing if your comment still shows.

You would have better results in just red-pilling people in public about this. Waste of typing on kiketube that gets censored or you get banned for. I find utility poles and poster community boards more appealing. Hell, use the switch aroo of posting red-pills at the wal-mart entrance boards. Gas stations are good examples. People often post jobs wanted or looking for jobs on business cards. The Jew literally fears the truth being told in public.


Her content is great though:

I just wish she didn't disrespect men who value virginity:

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 134.88K)

She "went viral" for saying women should be submissive to their husbands. So she's kinda based at times.

Greeks were right about women being basically animals. Naturally the feminists and their loyal dogs the gays slandered the greeks as fudge packers for this.

That's not how out of line works.

The line is based off of Eye for an Eye.

When a nigger gets violent for hearing nigger, he crosses the line.

The way the Law gets the guilty, one way, is they stand on the line.

Wait for the nigger to CROSS first. And then they REACTIVE FORCE the nigger, until they're imprisoned, in guilt.

If they cross the line to attack you, you made THEM cross the line.

If they're making up Laws to say you're guilty, they crossed the line. Because others will see the "new law", and try to follow it, creating a negative cycle.

Nope, it still shows. I said I got banned for dramatic effect.

>I just wish she didn't disrespect men who value virginity:
As I have said for more than a decade, these "anti-feminist" attention whores are no less likely to cheat and divorce than any hardcore turboskank you meet in a bar. They are in it for the clicks. Were it not so they would be creating cooking videos or livestreams of them protesting the wildly anti-male bias of the family court system. Sitting your fat ass on the chair and flipping on the webcam is accomplishing the better part of nothing.

wtf is a "reformed 304?"

if she is on the internet in any capacity, she is looking for cocks to fuck and suck

Fucking comments by normie nonwhites "oh you're so traditional, wow powerful!" Kind of pisses me off. She's an ex-slut who had sex with many men before her "lucky husband omg1!1!1"

People are posting Plato quotes in the comments like she's comparable to a wise-man hermit.

Attached: 1653750268887.png (644x742, 329.4K)

Hoe. 304.

Attached: 1653845611360.jpg (517x1280, 121.19K)

Its hOE upside down - like 5318008

Christ, that must have sucked to shoot, fucking wrist breaker.

birth control and consequence-free sex

Jews user, most young men just feel a sems of disgust looking at women, as if they were looking at a used condoms.

ffs sorry i asked.


No user, you are correct. If she shames men who want a pure girl to wife up she's not traditional or Christian.