US Citizenship

Hey Any Forums I just got my citizenship. I came to this country as a student, worked my way up to be a product manager at a tech firm. Last week I became a US citizen.

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You're probably a chink or a poo.
Either way you be burned alive in time.

get a white wife

you have to go back

Why would you ever move to the US?

Marry a native american. Your children will come out tax free. Thank me later you bastard. Its a great country. Congrats. What is your skin color?

why are so salty bra
lol no
this is home now :)
more opportunities, better pay, better future

Great, so you write Google docs and attend meetings. Who gives a shit?

Congratulations. Did you renounce your other citizenship?

getting an arranged marriage from my home county. i am brown
my company does :)
thanks bro, yep, I am 100% American

congrats faggot, what country did you come from?
we’re you overwhelmed or underwhelmed you arrived here? in total how much did you have to spend to become a citizen?

from India.
living in the US has been a dream since childhood, and my experience has been nothing but great. love this country through and through.
in total about $800 and change



>worked my way up
It's funny shitskins think that they are actually earning the positions that diversity-quota HR departments are throwing at them. So fucking retarded and pathetic. I've never interviewed a competant shitskin for a tech job.

>arranged marriage
she the same caste as you or did you finally get to marry up with your fraudulent gains?

you will never be american

While I’m happy for OP, this is also objectively true. They will do ANYTHING for diversity hires even if it means hiring absolute incompetents

based, we take this country for granted, all the Indians I’ve met and know have been really stand up people, I’m in the South so I don’t know about how they are in other places but they are always friendly and welcoming. Unlike most of Any Forums I’m open to meeting folks from different places that choose to call the US home.
except jews lol

No more pooping in the street for this lad

>always friendly and welcoming
dude, every poo is a two-faced piece of shit

Hand with time stamp rajeesh
Sensing LARP

If you ain't white go back.

bro I’ve worked for a distrusting company and my Indian clients would give me their daughter if I wanted, the wives were always trying to give me food,the husbands inviting me to functions at the HCC, I had Indian students living in my off campus apartment building and they were better people and neighbors then the white ones.

>better people and neighbors then the white ones

They send me women with marketing degrees. We interview them so we aren't sued and its exactly what you think. Peeling even a single layer back on any of their claimed qualifications or past projects exposes how fucking clueless they are. All of these minorities are exploiting hiring practices to jump from company to company and leech as long as they can. I have to keep thorough records to avoid lawsuits for not hiring women and minorities.

I don't give a shit where you come from. If you're posting on pol you're good in my book.

Go enjoy the blacked threads then, fucking retarded boomer.