We don't need any blacks or muslims in Europe, deport them

We don't need any blacks or muslims in Europe, deport them.

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Miss this guy
what's he up to nowadays anyway?

why can't native Americans have their own country?
why can't aboriginals have their own country?

Looks like Old Moot

native Americans have reservations and aboriginals are ruthless niggers who do not deserve anything. Next retard tier post.

maybe they shouldn't of invaded everyone else

This, fuck white people. Yall are demons, I'm so glad Y'all is going extinct
The world will be safer once yall are gone.

whites can have their own reservations then like MT, and other bumfuck parts of America. don't see what the problem is with op, America is doing just fine, so is Europe

bro you are in america.

idk man stop importing low wage arabs, my friend is in the process of getting his visa to france to work in a farm land. literally just stop inviting us?

Go fuck yourself, if you told me to go back to Europe I would listen

You are deluded faggot if you think USA or Europe is doing fine but also i do not care i hope they all get killed by shitskins.

Your argument is shit. If feather niggers could take their land back, they would. Stop acting like they are some benevolent charitable race.

yeah and America just plain ole sucks sometimes depending on the place, maybe i want to move to Germany without being called Hitler

Jarvis pull up the clip of him mopping the floor with Alex Jones

Youre a bitch if you dont

at least they don't fuck their own over guns and profit

europe is shit, high taxes, trash weather. no reason to be there.

from my perspective niggers and Muslims are the demons , you come over to Europe to assault and rape European women , your a pos

No they fuck over their own over mouth wash and meth.

native Americans drink listerine as alcohol instead of just buying alcohol

>you come over to Europe to assault and rape European women , your a pos
you bombed our countries into dust sanction us into starvation and install puppet terror groups and dictators to expliot whatever meagre resources are left and you and you think you have any right to whine? .

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What goes around comes around. I literally have no pity for you faggot cumskins, I've never and will never go live to the west but I'm happy your race is being fucked over.

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what happened to david duke?

The average civilian white man had nothing to do with this and if the official narrative about 9/11 is true , you started it with 9/11

does that work?

good stay in your arab shithole, I hate seeing you muzzles on the sidewalks when I try enjoying my evening's at the mall

i bet you believe in the news

Alcohol sales are banned on Indian reservations

True, it's absolutely shit in here, spread the news Ahmed