What will Gen A be like?

What will Gen A be like?

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>What will Gen A be like?
They will be beautiful.

Attached: 0006.jpg (1024x1024, 81.13K)

Generation blAcked

faceless apparently.

Citizens of the new earth. Hardened by 20 years of total collapse, they will build a new golden age. At least the whites ones will.

they will grow up in the hard times.

Attached: E=mc2.jpg (640x906, 147.69K)

Who ? already silenced at birth

were already in the hard times

Attached: 1613855524558.gif (497x373, 488.78K)

Literally the generation peer pressured into forced vaccination .
Zoomers and Millennials have nothing on them regarding "whining" about the social system mess

Attached: 126561278651.jpg (1800x1799, 498.7K)

Retarded, multiracial and mostly gay whites into pedophilia.

Nah not yet, just about to enter though

Retarded as fuck.


Lots of brown children whose parents sit at the dinner table and tell them stories of resisting arrest, entering the country illegally, and calling white people racist.

The white kids will be doomsday preppers or white nationalists from birth. Father/son bonding will include Discord and IRC chattering together. "Lower receiver" and "armor piercing round" will become words that white kids know in middle school. As well as "glownigger."

They're literal children so far, we don't know anything yet. The last zoomers were born 2012.

We're reaching that point for sure, just a few days ago we saw how relationship between China and America are deteriorating, America is already a heavily divided and polarized country meanwhile the chinese people, who have lived centuries of inferiority complex, are doing all they can to finally prove their worth to the world and settle their country as the new world order.

Thing is, the entirety of Africa and Middle-East, as well as Russia will stay on China's side.

Probably something like this
Aww its smiling!

Attached: vr vaccine.webm (538x300, 2.49M)

>We're reaching that point for sure, just a few days ago we saw how relationship between China and America are deteriorating, America is already a heavily divided and polarized country meanwhile the chinese people, who have lived centuries of inferiority complex, are doing all they can to finally prove their worth to the world and settle their country as the new world order.

Thing is, the entirety of Africa and Middle-East, as well as Russia will stay on China's side.
and thank god, fuck USA

Just saying that they were already baptize with this covid mess, nice way to be welcome into the planet earth, sure..

Capitulation is usually the bottom and I don't see any kikes heroing yet, no

>never seen the real internet (1993 - 2007)
>absolutely demoralized about technology and its acceleration of all capitalistic phenomena
>no money, probably still has some of their parents college debt to pay
>bombarded with tranny propaganda from all directions
is there any hope?