So what’s with the rampant rise of demoralization shill spam on this board...

So what’s with the rampant rise of demoralization shill spam on this board? Did something happen that pissed off the shills so badly that they have to push demoralization propaganda to keep people distracted?

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fuck shills

Attached: 4chan captcha solver bot.webm (312x342, 70.11K)

It funni
That, and some people legit get paid to do it.

They're losing control of the narrative; and I mean really losing control. Look how things have changed since 2016; if you talked to people then about Epstein's island and false flag school shootings you'd be seen as an absolute lunatic. Now everyone understands what Epstein is doing; I've seen normal everyday people question why the fuck a retired FBI agent was talking to the school shooter in Texas. The whole jewish propaganda machine is collapsing.

Attached: FSrrZCyUAAUlb-X.jpg (1200x577, 143K)

Its an exponential effect caused by several branches of the organized shills doing the same thing.

Lefty think-tank shills
> want to massage the curve
> think that by changing Any Forums they can change people.

> been in since the start of the war. Their goal is is to find points of division inside the US, to promote disunity within

Hard left shill-packs:
> still think that likes and retweets = reality.
> flood board with pro-left stuff, thinking that owning the catalog = convincing people = winning elections

DNC paid shills
> want to create wedge issues on the right
> make everyone made, while making it impossible for any potential republican candidate to please enough

> looking to start shit so they can report on the shit

US Federal government
> comment redacted

I think for the first time in our history they are truly scared

The fit has hit the shan brother. The economic collapse is now here. By July 4th, most Americans will be desperately searching for enough food to feed their families like the parents of infants desperately searched for formula. All hell is breaking loose this summer, a collapse in America that will make the Soviet collapse look like a minor inconvenience.

This. They're panicked and for good reason. The inevitable has come and they cannot hide it anymore.

Most won't understand this, and probably no one will follow up; but look to the history of Michigan from 1836-1845 to understand what is going on.

The tldr of several thousand pages of documents...

> Michigan about to become state
> democrat boy governor and his followers decided that hope and big plans is all it takes
> first Michigan government borrows $7 million they they don't have to build railroads and canals
> once they're built, it will create the industry, the settlers, and the way of paying off the loan

Don't plan for emergencies...
> weeks after they get the loan, the panic of 1837 hits
> the canal and railroad projects are failures, but dems won't admit it
> blame republicans for not trying hard enough
> house of cards collapses, state goes broke, dems thrown out of office for 20 years.

It’s called agitprop.
They’re desperately trying to provoke a civil war.

The winter grain harvest was not only worse than anticipated, logistical breakdowns made things much, much worse. The store shelves will go as bare as they did at the start of the pandemic, the prices will go full blown hyperinflation. Money itself will quickly become worthless. Only the staples of survival will have value. You'll be able to trade a sack of flour for someone's home. This will be worse than the Holodomor. The violence will be horrifying.

So like the collapse of Yugoslavia?

The balkanization and region vs. region/ethnic violence, yes, definitely. But with tons of niggers of all races being utter niggers. So the worst of the post Yugoslavian collapse with the niggerdom of South Africa turned over to niggers, combined with the desperation of the Soviet collapse, but with a population incapable of realistic thinking. Oh, and the desperation of the Holodomor. Every American city will smell of rotting human flesh from miles away.

people are beginning to understand that the end is nigh

So what you're saying is that I may have to ally with beaners to drive out the niggers?

We are just being realistic. Our leaders have abandoned us, people have been crying out for help for years and God seems to be nowhere to be found during all of this. I see no reason Americans would have any hope for the future whatsoever. It does seem like this creation is evil at this point. I wouldn’t create something and torture them like what is happening in the world.

Globohomo is on the brink of collapse.

This is not me finding fault in either of you; but me attempting to offer well-meaning advice.

I don't know how old either of you are; but the older you get, the more you have seen; including in terms of society and politics.

So, if you were around for the 2016 or 2020 elections, in another 40 years you're going to be the one trying to explain to a 20-something things they will never believe.

In terms of the US, we are NOT close to revolution, or even wide-spread outbreaks in fighting.

We ARE, on the other hand, close to one of the many transitions in history which breaks up and redefines the political parties.

In this case, we are very much like the difference between the 1836 and 1840 elections.

In terms of troubles and problems. As bad as things are, things are nowhere near as bad politically as they were in the 60's; (where you had regular bombings in the US); or economically as the 70's; (where you had a 14% prime rate and inflation at the same time)

In other words... pay attention, but don't automatically assume the end of the world. Things have been crazy before; we have a way of settling these things without revolution or civil war

2 more weeks

As an example of this, check out this newspaper ad from 1838.

By now, most (if not all) of the banks listed in this ad had already gone broke and shut their doors.

But rather than admit they had been wrong to allow the wildcat banks in the first place, you have this ad; which demands as a duty of party loyalty, accepting worthless bills as payment for goods.

In the 1840's there would be an official investigation of much that went on in the late 1830s. The reports are a hoot to read.

Attached: Ad2.png (563x978, 414.44K)