What the fuck was their problem?

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White supremacy

They stuck the guy pushing the Jew on a stick.

I want to napalm their nigger race.

The guy that came and took the picture

They're coloured people.

Reluctant to welcoming other cultures. Closed societies. Lack of degrees. They seem like typical MAGAtards.

There aren't really rabid niggers on that island. It's a poojeet missile silo that people kept finding.

It would be fascinating to see the world from their perspective

A Mexican made a thread saying he was going to go breed them, the thread was prunned so I can only guess he will be successful in his mission

We have 30 uncontactable peoples in my nation

Attached: 20-Tribe-Graphic.jpg (640x473, 84.16K)

And isn't in some Island, but in continous land stuff...

They want to be left alone. As any sensible person in the world who is not a kike golem. I hope these based niggers survive the apocalypse unscathed and repopulate the earth. We have failed on a massive scale.

They are opposed to race mixing.

how do the know if they are uncontactable?

>drones and planes

then there has been contact, they have seen the machines

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Didn't get subverted by Christ cuckery

I hope they’re vaxxed for Covid

So what are they up to, or you don't know? Also checked

The ONU, Brazilian authorities not know their culture, language, idols, nothing, If they if find in Bush, kill you with narrows... This is uncontactable, for you?

“Uncontactable” but you sure as shit chop down their forests

it is unconscionable that these marginalized people of color do not have access to covid vaccines . someone should start a petition

We not know, never some civilized person made datas about them... They are like in pre-history

>no jewish influence
>rejects christcuck

More than 100 Brazilians died at now, because was researchers indigenists, some uncontacted person find him, and killed


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