There is no point in being racist

Humans are all pretty much the same thing. Our differences are almost entirely surface level and every person alive today has a common ancestor that lived only around 200,000 years ago; not very long from an evolutionary standpoint. So there is no reason to discriminate against people with a different skin and facial complexion.

Attached: Homo erectus.jpg (512x343, 45.98K)

You think whites and blacks are the same creatures?
Argument = trashed.


Attached: 1566846338283.png (1498x1516, 1.65M)

>Low IQ Any Forumstard answer
Whites are descendants of neanderthals so we're not the same race ok
>Even more low IQ Any Forumstard answer
Evolution is fake ok muh Jesus muh bible

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Homo sapiens is at least 400.000 years old. This is more than enough for such a widespread species to evolve into different subspecies, as it obviously happened. The major morphological differences were the reason Linnaeus, the founder of all biological taxonomy, classified Homo sapiens in different subspecies. He knew his shit. You, in contrast, know jack shit. Also the same thread for the 100th time. Get sme new stuff, lazy tranny nigger. All fields.

Bad meme, should have chosen an uglier sheboon. That one is prettty easy on the eyes. Probably with some Caucasian admixture/from east Africa.

here you go.

Attached: species.png (1270x740, 2.24M)

More like it, now combine it with the jackals and you are good, bongfren.

These are all ONE species — Oryctolagus cuniculus or European rabbit

To add some peer-revied scienceTM to the debate, as of course the differences that Linnaeus recognized are not only morphological.

Attached: 1592748828205.png (1058x1447, 146.35K)

>These are all ONE species — Oryctolagus cuniculus or European rabbit

Attached: Oryctolagus_cuniculus.jpg (900x1125, 132.52K)

Homo sapiens also is one species, you are obviously unable to understand the concept of subspecies and races. This is the absolute state of mutt/zoomer education, can't even decide which is the bigger problem here. Most retards on Any Forums have zero knowledge on science except some meme shit, and particularly no idera about biology except some very blurred understanding of genetics. Also there rabbit races are not the result of natural selection, but breeding. i am quite certain that you cannot grasp that concept as well.

so these are broken down into breeds ?

This is an entirely different species, AND different genus — a tumak hare, hybrid of Lepus europaeus
and Lepus timidus

Attached: 1619716184_6-oir_mobi-p-zayats-tumak-zhivotnie-krasivo-foto-6.jpg (1300x904, 350.63K)

yes different breeds of one species, but genetically very similar

Damn those are the hottest freckles I seen in my life !

Nigger you choose a fuckin 60 years on indigenous that probably use some shit with 20cm in the nose

this post is not even reddit tier its more like 15 year old at the youtube comment section tier

You fail. Period. OK you fail to SEE what I was responding to, that even crazy differences in appearance do not imply different species

Kikes seething. Seems I hit a nerve. Have I talked about different species here? I have talked about subspecies, which are very clearly defined in biology.

The rabbits are the SAME species, bud. What are yuo on about? hell, they are probably even the same subspecies since they were all taken from a local population of wild O. cuniculus

Sage slide threads

>Evolution fag
Kek retard. Races didn't come from evolution gajillion years ago . God had humanity split up into races and different languages