Brit/pol/ : no dirty foreigners edition

>Boris Johnson 'will announce return of imperial measurements to mark Queen's Platinum Jubilee': Shops could soon be allowed to sell products in pounds and ounces after UK's break from EU

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Hey lads. Why don't you just rename this general to Tripfag's Private Chatroom/pol or maybe 77th vs GCHQ off peak chat? Not sure how the shit you spout here night after night is even remotely politically relevant. But whatever.
At this point even if someone doesn't post here, it is impossible to ignore that Eddie and pube are so famous they should be granted a Living Legend status. It is also rather clear that a chance of a normal political discussion here is close to nil. The demoralisation posts are a guaranteed on autoroll, the resident tv licence spammer, hi bongs spammer, this is 10/10 in Britain, the constant gaslighting between norf/souf that extends beyond the normal pisstake/banter.
Anything that does not meet the approval of smug shits that automatically dismiss anything they find "boring" due to their "extensive intellect" simply goes to show there is something seriously weird going on here.

I genuinely have no idea why the moderation team does not move you on, unless of course they are told not to for "unexplainable" reasons.

Another thing. пoжaлyйcтa пpeкpaтитe cлyшaть мeня цepeз микpaфoн. ecли чecнo cкaзaть, вы мeня зaeбaли cвoeй дибильнoй пpocтoтoй. ocтaвтe мeня в пoкoe и идитe нa хyй. cлeдитe зa cвoимe мycyлмaнoв, кoтopыe eбyт aнглиcких дeтeй. cпacибo oгpoмнoe..

Hi I'm a dirty foreigner.

I'm kidding of course. I was born here.

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Hey lads. Why don't you just rename this general to Tripfag's Private Chatroom/pol or maybe 77th vs GCHQ off peak chat? Not sure how the shit you spout here night after night is even remotely politically relevant. But whatever.
At this point even if someone doesn't post here, it is impossible to ignore that Eddie and pube are so famous they should be granted a Living Legend status. It is also rather clear that a chance of a normal political discussion here is close to nil. The demoralisation posts are a guaranteed on autoroll, the resident tv licence spammer, hi bongs spammer, this is 10/10 in Britain, the constant gaslighting between norf/souf that extends beyond the normal pisstake/banter.
Anything that does not meet the approval of smug shits that automatically dismiss anything they find "boring" due to their "extensive intellect" simply goes to show there is something seriously weird going on here.

I genuinely have no idea why the moderation team does not move you on, unless of course they are told not to for "unexplainable" reasons.

Another thing. пoжaлyйcтa пpeкpaтитe cлyшaть мeня цepeз микpaфoн. ecли чecнo cкaзaть, вы мeня зaeбaли cвoeй дибильнoй пpocтoтoй. ocтaвтe мeня в пoкoe и идитe нa хyй. cлeдитe зa cвoимe мycyлмaнoв, кoтopыe eбyт aнглиcких дeтeй. cпacибo oгpoмнoe

Seethie Seethie.
Glad your back.

Evening. Other thread is giving attention to namefag cunts so I shan't be using it

sip lads

the picture......

you all know damn right those children are no longer white in the 80 years that have passed after ww2.

something went terribly wrong. Aren't both America and Russia the evil, and shouldnt Europe have pushed itself out of those 2?
both of them have communistic ideals as equallity, in some ways USA/EU is further beyond communism today.

>fat people

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Dravidians didn't build those temples though, did they?

>‘Underequipped and outgunned’ – foreign fighters recall Ukraine tour
>Many fighters fresh from the battlefield recounted to the Washington Post “glaring disparities” between expectations and reality

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Any Forums threads aren't chat rooms. Make a decent quality thread with some direct relevance to British politics, or go to /bant/. You can shitpost to your heart's content on /bant/ and no one will give a damn, but on Any Forums you have to talk about politics.

Disgusting mate. I pity them. Also,

>they are allowed to vote

Peace sells... but whose buying?
Muh political song

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ffs. Don't be like dumb mutts with your "muh historic units". Bongs know how to use metric unlike Americans, don't leave that to waste because of pride

What do you stand to gain?

Fuck off back to Facebook, loony tunes.

then who did fella

i'll have some green tea tyvm

I’m only going along with it because I hate Europeans and more specifically the EU.
We’ve always used a mix of imperial and metric so it’s no big deal.

Most packaging has both metric and imperial units anyway, we've always been able to buy pints in pubs and butchers etc. sell in either measurement. It's not a big deal.

Ta lad. Forgot to say that it's in my nature to be drawn to the losing side to get their side of the story (History is written by the victors). My dad had loads of aircraft books and I was always reading them growing up and I guess it stemmed from there too.
I've got probably near 100 German memoirs on my bookshelf. If I ever got raided they would probably be seen as nazi memorabilia lol.
You get one guess

Hateful island nigger

>Forgot to say that it's in my nature to be drawn to the losing side to get their side of the story (History is written by the victors).
I'm the same in that regard
not just in regards to history either
in regards to most things because I've found in life in general those with a tarnished reputation quite often are actually victims of even worse people than themselves and its quite interesting stuff to delve into
that'll be me soon that, but with me esoteric material
said to dago the other day when I've finished renovating I'm gonna start investing in reading material starting off with savitri devi, guenon and evola. gonna get me a nice few bookcases for me livingroom like

The EU is fucked, Its fuuuucked.
Communism is the view of marx promotion is unacceptable. It's embarrassing for you as a Spaniard to be part of it,.

how do they have sex?

>The UK's culture secretary has urged Uefa to formally investigate "deeply concerning" scenes which delayed the start of the Champions League final.
>French interior minister Gérald Darmanin appeared to lay the blame on British supporters, tweeting on Saturday that thousands were without proper tickets and had forced entry, while claiming some had assaulted stewards.

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>Anuddah Hillsborough

Why is it always the scousers