This picture is before inflation in 2006. I don't know why you are acting like these gas prices are new

This picture is before inflation in 2006. I don't know why you are acting like these gas prices are new.

If you are going to shit on libtards, at least be consistent. If you are a subhuman zoomer, try brushing up on what actually happened in the 2000s and 90s. If you are a human being (older than 24) then refresh your fucking memory

You're literally making things more difficult for normal people when you act like retards

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>This picture is before inflation in 2006.
Proof for that?

Nigger, gas didn’t go over $4.10 during that time. I don’t remember it being $5 for a gallon of gas in Tennessee.

Our economy almost collapsed back then. Just like it's about to collapse now.

filmed from 2004-2009

they mention bush, this means its before the recession

This was probably in some Cal*fornia desert or something, same place where gas is 8 bucks a gallon currently.

someone being honest for a change, ty

wasnt that when the economy hit it's highest right before the fucking crash in 2007 & 2008?

Biden keeps fucking up the states, da fuq is your point you dumb fucking shit?

Attached: children of the president and vice president.jpg (927x1024, 140.4K)

I’m 41
I remember gas prices spiking in the 2000s and people were just as mad back then.

Raiding homos don't even pretend to be regular anons anymore, when did that stop? It's all "you do and you are ".
Who asked you, nigger? Go back

Lol nigger, I paid 1.95 for gas in 2019.

my point is you guys refuse to acknowlege the malevolence of the people you are dealing with. you think you are smarter than them but you refuse to meet them on the same playing field.

For instance there was a guy on this board who used to try to send you guys to that Politics Discord to show you first hand the kind of tranny, cocksucking, disingenuous, weak beta males you were dealing with and to listen to them voice chats to learn about how evil they are. You turned your nose up at it, so I'm telling you now: if you dont start getting smart and being less arrogant you will lose and we will live in the pod

people were mad then and people are mad now because it was preventable then just as it was preventable now. stop being a retarded faggot

This, the last time dems did this it lasted over two years.

Gas went to this the week Biden got sworn in.

No thanks.

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>I don't know why you are acting like these gas prices are new.
Because they ARE new, I never paid $6.50 a gallon back then.

where the fuck do you live?

>why are you upset at something doubling in price in less than a year
Fuck off. Doesn’t matter what it was then. It matters what happened recently

gas futures are in an uptrend

tendies to be had. hodl
we going to $5.00 and beyond!

Attached: 2A86AB37-58A5-4417-9296-9514B22E1139.jpg (750x1183, 304.85K)

Have you never taken embarrassing pics in your life? fucking retard

>over 15 years ago, gas prices were high so be nice to Biden
Keep reaching, faggot. And people were pissed about gas potentially going to $5 a gallon and some wanted to impeach Bush for that (along with all the other dumb shit he did).

Did I say be nice to Biden? Where did i say he was a good guy? Go take your poisonous vaccine, kike

>omg spikes in gas prices have happened before
gas prices were also shit and RATIONED in the 70s during the oil crisis.

but gas in the early 90s was 95 cents per gallon for unleaded here in upstate new hampshire

>if you don’t join glowie discords you aren’t smart
Kill yourself

Yeah it sucked and my 90s SUV only got 7mpg city it was brutal. At least cars are way more effective now