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"i mock the things that makes me feel stupid"

-Faggot OP

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Kek, the venn diagram of people who F**CKING LOVE SCIENCE and can explain the double slit experiment can't have a lot of overlap

The realm of all human knowledge is so vast, that even the universe itself would diminish in comparison, because knowledge can extend even beyond that of what we can see.


Wowwwiieee you found God at last

And yet here you are mocking me because I make you feel stupid

I remember this dude at a laser lab at Iowa state demonstrated to me how photons have momentum and I was like sheeeeeeit.

space is fake and you are gay

You cant logically explain QM. Its handwaving. If you coulds explain it logically, it wouldnt be mysterious.

Curious that Fluid Mechanics has harder math, yet has no mysteries.

Photons do not exist. Electron that gains momentum from EM wave has momentum.

We're all niggaz niggin' in a sciencey Universe


You fuckin nerds will never get a single slit let alone a double one

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Did those tiny photons just behave differently when we observed them?!?!?!?
This means the UNIVERSE is expanding foreber and even!!!!!1
That means there's an ALTERNATE DIMENSION where nwhyyypeepole were slaves and niggers were the colonizers and sheeeeit

QM is really what makes me question the observable nature of reality

Bruh, it only demonstrates that consciousness is the fundamental building block of the universe, not matter nor waves.

I fucking hate faggots that replace letters with asterisk.

>it only demonstrates that consciousness is the fundamental building block of the universe, not matter nor waves.
Nope. It only demonstrates that consciousness has some effect on matter and you sound like a massive douche bag.

Yeah well you can fight with that laser lab professor about the semantics. I noped out of science after I got that STEM degree.

Science was never about replacing God. The OG scientists were Christians, the majority of scientists still are. Science is about understanding how our world works, the more scientific discoveries we make, the closer we are to God.

science is only about the natural world we live in,
knowledge can extend beyond that into the imaginary or 'fake' as you call it.

knowledge is fake

Both of you are brain-dead tier stupid. The "observer effect" can be induced by any measuring apparatus. Doesn't require a conscious fucking loser sitting there. It's a physical process. Retards.