Right from the horses mouth. My parents mutilated me because I’m a jewish slave. I hate them so much

Right from the horses mouth. My parents mutilated me because I’m a jewish slave. I hate them so much

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Man, I'm so sorry. I remember finding out about circumcision as a kid and being completely bewildered. My grandfather famously said, "if someone comes for the jews again, we don't want there to be any confusion that we're them."

I'm 30, decided to ask my mom about circumcision and why she would do that. Said it was dirty and unhygenic and I would thank her when I didn't have to worry about it as an old man (she is an elderly caretaker)

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Parents were morons. I doubly resent mine for doing it to me.

Thanks guys I’m miserable about this

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You need to react positively and productively. Feeling bad about it won't change anything. Sorry about what happened to you but the sooner you accept it and get over it the better for you and your mental health.

It's just evidence your parents are unthinking goyslaves themselves, at least you were able to break the conditioning despite the snippening

I'm literally the only circumcised male in my family because my mom fell for the hygiene lie

Just educate yourself and others.
An excellent rebuttal to
>its more hygienic
Is this.
America was founded on puritan values.
When little boys would play with themselves (not in a mastabatory way, exploratory baby way) they would get yelled at and told horrible things. Phimosis sets in.
Welp, better cut it off.
99% of penises are just fine if you simply let the kid fiddle with it.
Ive never touched my sons dinky do cept for scarring traumatic accidental grazes when he gets out of the tub or something. Its like a caterpillar or one of those little oranges out of a can...so gross. Anyway. You never even have to touch it. He has never had an issue. He is six.

The only thing you can do is break the cycle, and work through your grief.
Staying mad does not help you.
>"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot stone, you are the one that gets burned"
I think the Buddha said that, or something like it. Pretty solid advice.
Easy to say, a little harder to do.


you're an edomite retard

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you mean your parents saved you from your dick falling off

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Don't hold so much resentment for your parents, yes it was a bad decision, but it wasn't made in malice.


Told my wife i wasn't circumcising our son because no one in my family does it. She thanked me later when one of her friend's kid had complications with their circumcision and required additional surgeries.

Sorry anons. At least you don't know what you don't have.
Uncut, unjabbed, uncucked.

Press F for Americans.
We give them so much shit for being jew golems but we forget thats its own punishment.

Sue them.

>beliving this bullshit
fucking retard

You only say that because you don't think foreskin is important. Ignorance of that level is almost as bad as malice. Parents are supposed to protect their children, not blindly accept irreversible ritualistic ceremonial procedures from Jews.

>She thanked me later when one of her friend's kid had complications with their circumcision and required additional surgeries.

How can we even trust doctors or anyone. Holy fuck

This plus my parents gave me a horrible life

Im christian, cut, and never recieved a single complaint. Plenty of compliments and 11pm text requests for more though.