
We can do more to save children.

Attached: GVIA-CDC-Update-010622A-07-640x640.png (640x640, 84.47K)

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But that will cause random selection to outpace natural healthy evolution.

We need more lockdowns and masks to stop the spread

Niggers aren't people

Wtf covidbros, were we lied to?

There are 70 million children in the US and A
4000 deaths is really not much, it's like 6 for every 100,000

Since when is 18 and up a child?

But I don't want to protect children, I want to shoot guns.

Leading cause of death for children in America is abortion.

Read the study... Less than 200 of those deaths were "accidental".

We can but we aren’t

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Because if the chart was 1-17 it would be motor vehicles on top.

Most niggers do get killed at their first gang shooting when they're 16-19 so seems legit.

>Wtf covidbros, were we lied to?
Exactly. These shitbags had everyone locked down, which caused a huge spike in suicides and drug overdoses among young people. And the lockdowns prevented exactly ZERO boomers from dying.

We only have to do one thing, regulate the media. It's proven the media is the #1 cause of mass killing and terrorism. And it's easy to prevent it by forcing the media to follow a few simple rules.

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Banning abortion would do more than banning all of that stuff combined.

>Concern trolling
All fields fellas

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How is it going to help our cause when we can't count 19 year old gang members as children?

That bar graph screams jewish involvement

I feel like a bot posting the same pics on every shill thread

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> everytown
Go flog your propaganda elsewhere, ((( Bloomberg )))

Great. Now let’s see those stats divided into race

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4.4k seems insane even for US standards. How the fuck do you shoot more than 4k children each year??? They probably used some retarded definition for children to push their agenda.

Germany has roughly 200 murders/killings each year. From children to adults. Fucking 4k children killed alone. With guns. Then the other homicides. What the fuck guys.

Probably most of them are black.
The number of white kids killed in school shootings isn't much.

your forgetting it says children and teens the leading cause for death for niggers from like 13-20 is homicide via firearm

18% of all pregnancies in the United States end in abortion. That's nearly 200,000 innocent children per year. But, yes, let's talk about guns.

Black teens shooting other teens is by far the largest group in this data. And they do it in the most heavily regulated anti-gun cities in America.

Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.

>Ages 1-19
It's a classic sleight of hand. Take a 17year-364day-old gangster getting shot by a rival gang and call him a child to make people think of a 10-year-old boy with good grades and a million-dollar smile.
In this case, they get to use all the 18 and 19-year-old gangbangers in the stats too.


>The leading cause for death in young people is now guns and not terrible disease, poverty or obesity
Good job

Downing is lower than covid? Doubt.

>They probably used some retarded definition for children
Yeah, niglets

vibrant youth I imagine

>1600 people a year just get cancer and die before age 19

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Kinda comes with the territory.

Also they should clarify what kind of guns. I want to see how many are killed by handguns compared to ar15 out of those four thousand.

Funny how the CDC dosen't have a chart that tracks this for children like it does every other age group. Very interesting. I wonder why that is



We have winners. Thats how you manipulate statistics add datasets that change the outcome to your desired results

let's see the numbers without negroids.

Where is abortion on here?

If only we could enforce people to take a vaccine for it, it will save so many lives, think of the children

>ages 1-19
Seeing as how you can buy a gun at 18 and suicide by gun is the most common way to kill yourself, I'm going to go out on a whim here and say they had to include 18 and 19 year olds to get those numbers

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