Federal Reserve says its goal is ‘to get wages down’

>The insider trading, multi millionaire FED chairman Jerome Powell blames inflation on workers demanding living wages. Workers have gotten too much power due and "need to be disciplined by the labor market", he insists.

>Powell was first appointed Fed chair by Donald Trump in 2018. On May 23, 2022, he started his second four-year term, after being re-nominated by President Joe Biden and confirmed in a landslide bipartisan Senate vote of 80-19.

Thie absolute state of American politics lol.


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We gotta get those numbers down, those are rookie numbers!

their mandate is stable prices and full employment
apparently stable prices means constantly increasing prices, and full employment means workers are desperate to take any job
so glad they are independent so we can't do anything about it.

Sounds like Jerome Powell needs to be disciplined by the guillotine.

Yes because this idiot doesn't understand that open borders work both ways and eventually white people will abandon ship

They'll continue to flood this country with illegals to drive the wages down. It won't be long before people are lynching their mayors because they're homeless.

>eventually white people will abandon ship
To where?

Fuck off

>Oh no it's not CNN

From (((their))) perspective that is what stable prices and full employment means

>you workers are so greedy
>prints hedgefunds and wallstreet banks anothers couple billion
>you need to be disciplined by the market
>pays out six points on two trillion deposited to the overnight reverse repo desk
>it is the worker wages that is causing inflation
>buys billions more in esg junk bonds and junk mbs contributing to the fed nearly ten trillion dollars balance sheet

lol cant make this shit up

With the birth rates the way they are if you weren’t bringing in immigrants our economies would totally collapse. The way to increase birth rates is some form of socialism, making it not cost $25,000 to have a kid, have a guaranteed job that pays a living to support a family, have housing and a basic standard of living guaranteed, etc. if you’re not doing that you’re just fucking around the problem. Of course that is completely contrary to this system which is fed on the drive to squeeze every fucking bit of profit. You have to drive down wages and squeeze and squeeze until there is a crisis and then the cycle repeats compounding and compounding until eventually we’re left with the mutual ruin of all the contending classes.

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the only solution for the corrupt pulling the strings. life shouldnt be this complicated lol

It's nice here

They do seem to be getting a little too bold.

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why aren't you americans tired of privileged boomers (jewish boomers, even worse!) who tell you about the virtue of "hard work" and "earning your dollars"? Just pull out a gun and blow that guy's ugly head off

Completely retarded. Birth rates were great for centuries of laissez-faire Capitalism. It's only in the era of welfare, state cleptocracy that they've become an issue.
Having an economy where its impossible to do anything but sit in rented consumer pods is why everyone is so demoralised.

just discipline him with a sledgehammer
crack his kike skull open

>Yes because this idiot doesn't understand that open borders work both ways and eventually white people will abandon ship
psychos aren't idiots
they pretend they're idiots
and they do a very, very good job at it

This is what happens when you let jews run your money system. It's happened hundreds of times before maybe this time we'll pay attention.

>They'll continue to flood this country with illegals to drive the wages down. It won't be long before people are lynching their mayors because they're homeless.
not just that, but they'll also increase real estate prices.
Immigrants live like 20 in 1 house. That counts as "1 house rented/bought".
You Americans can't fathom sharing your house with 19 other niggers.
So they drive up the prices with higher demand.

pretty much the definition of stagflation

and staggart nation

Lol literally dog shit inbetween your ears. You’re excluding the fact that a hundred years ago about 1/2 or more of our economies were agriculture and much more family farms that quite literally DEPENDED on having multiple children to survive.