Alcohol thread, how to quit

How do you guys do it? Living in clown world without drinking daily? Ive been staying away as much as possible from alcohol these past few months but I just can't take it anymore

2 days ago I read a thread about some user who quit drinking during his law degree and went to AA, ended up in a psych ward multiple times and started drinking again to figure out sobriety was the reason his life was turning to shit .. user you there? I need you

.. if I dont drinking it takes weeks to see the actual benefits, 2-3 drinks later I go back to day 1 with worse symptoms .. wtf?

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also my whole family are somewhat alcoholics(they dont get drunk but they'll have several drinks everyday and pretend like they are moderate) .. how fucked am I genetically speaking?

I myself know I can quit if I find fulfilment, I only really abuse substance because it makes bad thought go away

Bump for canalcoholic

Unpopular opinion but some people unironically need to get fucked up to function. That story you said someone posted? I've heard another story, a different person. The guy was sober for a whole year and then committed suicide after his family threw him a party celebrating his one year.
I've been suicidal my whole life, and the thoughts only go away when I get rip roaring fucked up, every day. Am I happy about it? No. But it lets me live.
Good luck user.

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Didn't he say "road" instead of "rule"?

It takes about a year for your brain to repair itself if you've been drinking a long time. You program your brain to release dopamine and endorphins, which make you feel good, every time you drink. But over time your receptors burn out, they become tuned to that substance, so they stop producing those chemicals when you do normal stuff that would please most people. When you quit it takes about a month or two for your brain to sort of level itself out again, but it does get better, I promise.
I've been mostly sober for 2.5 years, I did have a 3 month relapse which started slow and ended up the same, me fucked drinking every day.

I smoke weed, and I take mushrooms every 3 months, more when they're in season.

Natural is always best, booze is a shit drug. I can't remember where I read or saw it but it was "I wrote down the 50 stupidest things I'd ever done, and alcohol ws involved in most of them. So I quit."

My life is exponentially better since I quit drinking, take up a new hobby like karate lessons or something cos you'll be bored when you realise how much time you waste just sitting there drinking.

This is also because of your brain chemistry - if you're getting dopamine and seretonin and endorphins from just sitting there listening to tunes and shitposting or whatever, your brain has no need to seek out pleasure elsewhere - it takes time to get that back.

Be gentle with yourself. I now unironically believe alcohol opens some kind of gateway to negative/ demonic forces in some people. I've taken all the drugs and that one fucked me up more than anything else. I don't ever have to drink again, and for that I am grateful.

Yeah, he did.

Exercise. Hobbies. Staying off Any Forums.

That’s all you need.

>farming dopamine from shitposting and listening to music
it never really began for me, did it?

The only alcohol i use is ethyl in kikkoman onions sauce

I was only able to with the help of Christ. Seek him.

eat a very low fat high starch diet.
your stomach will be full and you won't want to drink alcohol anymore.
you also have to cook your own food.
bake bread, make yogurt (hotplate waterbath method), cook beans in pressure cooker, stuff like that. this will keep you busy so you don't drink.

m8 your whole family needs to quit drinking. make the house a dry house. There is no alcohol is my house. It's great. Life is great.

You are addicted to something. It is a cruel roll of dice. I would use the naturalism argument. Go to AA it might help you. You hate it right? I have heard this from people. Occupy yourself with something. When you give up an addiction you replace it with something else. It has become a new mood bar if you will. You need to replace the thing that fills the bar.

Just stop.
>it’s hard!
Lots of things are hard including my dick
>but I’m addicted
No you’re not I drank all day every day for ten years and just stopped. Never had withdrawals never had a problem. Went two years without drinking. Stop being a faggot. Now I only drink a glass of scotch after 8 alone

Dobt ask advice here a lot of shift avice i see. Bestadvice is just quit

Rationalize that it hurts you. Rational men stay away from things that endanger them

Yeah this is thing I understand. I have little issue with addiction, but not everyone is us. My brother was coke head that stopped after a frank conversation. It is different supposedly for other people. I don't understand it. It seems odd to me. I think it is like diabetes. I use the south park explanation here cause it is the only one that makes any sense to me. Never really looked into it much.

>eat a very low fat high starch diet
yeah, not going to take dietary advice from a burgolem

I just don't like the taste of alcohol. Plus it throws off my sleep cycle, and being drunk doesn't really feel particularly good anyway. Honestly I prefer drinking water over beer, so it's never been hard for me.

Switch to marijuwana
No cap frfr

>Dobt ask advice here a lot of shift avice i see. Bestadvice is just quit
have you been drinking the whole night, or did you just start early today? love me some kikkoman though

fatty foods and alcohol go really well together, for some reason. fatty foods create a void that is filled with alcohol.

>How to quit
Okay, pay attention. I'm gonna lay it for ya and it's real simple.
You know the part when you are drinking alcohol. And you take the glass or cup or bottle and you put it to your lips and allow the alcohol to enter your mouth and then you swallow it? That part? Yeah, don't do that. Just don't do that part and you're good.