Should I go to church today?

I haven't been to church since I was forced to go as a child. But the past few months I was thinking of dropping in. Which one do I go to? There aren't many here. Got like a Christian center that states it's followers have their own avenues to god. Or a baptist one. I don't like Catholics. I think they're fucked.

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Yes, go to any orthodox one.

Yes. Praise Christ.

You could be out fucking bitches who give it away for free. Yet you prefer to sit in a room full of boomers. Embarrassing.

Yes go

or at least a catholic one that does tlm

you should go outside and praise the sun of wralda

unless youre a chinkoid/browngoloid then i really dont care what you do

catholicism is the true church

protestantism is secularism
eastern schismatics are delusional tradlarper (mostly online)

Become Byzantine Catholic
or jus go sit at a roman church for a few weeks

its easy
u will feel amazing
going to church isnt about polictics
its about receiving what christ left for us on earth himself

pic related

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yes, there's tons of hot gullible virgin women at churches now days with zero, and I mean ZERO male competition.

You guys will laugh at me, but I was brought up and baptisted as a mormon. lol. I know it's a meme sect but I really don't have many options. Mormon church is gone. We have Baptist, Catholic, and that Christian Center. I don't really understand what's going on with catholics. They seem to have lost their minds. I mainly just want to make connections with other people who take pride in the community we live in and find ways to help develop it.

They've all been taken by the local male church chads, portmanteau being chuds

Just be sure to read the Bible and pick a Church that actually follows God's word.

If they say anything contrary then switch ASAP

I was raised Catholic and went to their church for many years when I was a kid. You will be bored to death in a Catholic mass, and the Catholic church is literally a Satanic force in the world. Check out the Unitarian churches.

Yes, user. If not for Christ then at least for the communal aspect.

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Maybe you'll become a statistic.
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Makes sense. I will try a few. I downloaded a bible pdf, not sure if it's the one I should read. King james?
I don't like what I see them promoting. All right. I've decided to go.
This is better than being isolated. At least I can find a sense of community and take it from there.

Hello Mr. Semitestein

>All right. I've decided to go.
That's good. I am also going.

Also, consider a mega church. I almost got a job at a mega church and even though I'm not churchy, I was excited to be around a community of positive, exuberant people. And the masses feature live music and a more dramatic, interesting delivery of scripture.

Quickly go user! Before the pagan memeflag call you a christcuck

Is it sinful to go to Church solely in hopes of finding a virgin gf, me being a virgin as well? I pray alone at home and read the Bible sometimes. Which Church is best for this?

How the fuck do I put on this tie!!!

I’m going by myself. No one to go with maybe I’ll meet someone

Sure, it's certainly better than spending time on this shitty site

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There are a ton of denominations out there, and each one has some specific theological problem. It's like the denominations were all developed to be tailored to people who like specific sins, and want to be told that sin is ok. So it doesn't really matter which one you go to, it, so long as you have a solid grasp of what the Bible teaches and can ignore the nonsense at the assembly.

Over, under, and through the bend dammit!

Have you heard of the Talmud?
Would you like to learn more?

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Thanks for helping me make up my mind Any Forums
I'm going to walk my dog and get ready to go.

>a Christian center that states it's followers have their own avenues to god.
Not this one. It will be the faggiest, pro-gay, pro-immigrant church you will ever find. They will probably even say that you don't even have to be Christian to go to heaven.
>Or a baptist one.
Baptists churches are either retards who think muh rapture is coming in two weeks or ooga booga negroes. You should avoid them.

If you really want to go back to Chruch, go to either a Catholic Church, and Orthodox Church, or a more conservative LCMS (Lutheran) church. These will be your best options for finding a good one.

>If you really want to go back to Chruch, go to either a Catholic Church, and Orthodox Church, or a more conservative LCMS (Lutheran) church. These will be your best options for finding a good one.
Probably true. But there are some good baptist churches. The thing about baptist churches is they run the whole spectrum. Most of them are ridiculous, but every now and then you get a great one.