France, along with all of Europe, could have been a white ethnostate, if good had prevailed in WW2

France, along with all of Europe, could have been a white ethnostate, if good had prevailed in WW2

This... thing would not exist

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she cute

Agreed, Mc Donald's signs are a blemish on the face of any European city.

I love white brunette chicks with brown eyes, I'm so goddamn tired of blondes

no, you like women with big eyes compared to their head. you don't care about skin or eye colour.

narbonoïde will never be french, deal with it

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>let me tell you about your own preferences
Fuck off, moron.

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Hey, at least you’re not speaking German lol

french women looked like that 100 years ago. She looks cute btw.

she is an ape

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That's not a recent mix.
Phenotypically recent mix do not look like that.
They have a pale olive/ greyish skin tone in general.
That girl looks like she's from southern France. Likely ancient admixture of unknown origin (generally people say arabs, but that's doubtful considering the lack of arabic admixture found among them.)


La mademoiselle brunee oh lala!!

you will lick ze dick

Tres belle, jla mangerait sans cesse

Narbonoïde does not translate into English, what does it mean French user?

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Southern French who are supposed to be the product of a mix between original locals (celts, latins and visigothic and arabic/ moor raiders.)
Modern genetic studies do not support this idea however.
They do not seem to have significant african admixture.
It's more likely that their phenotype is due to higher admixture of Latin and EEF blood, first and foremost.

describe to me the french phenotype. because in my experience they are all short dark skinned brown eyed manlets.

French literally invented white as a racial classification.

Okay, it mite also be due to it being the main phonetician trade port.

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