Do you guys had shitty Life?

Have you ever considered that maybe your political opinion are caused by traumas and a terrible childhood and/or Life?

I share my opinions with many of you, but I can't help notice that my life was quite brutal, maybe I would be a well adjusted middle class leftist if things were different, have you ever consider that?

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Yes definitely. I'm the problem, not politicians or the government or psychopathic "activists". It's all my fault.

No. Because I used to be a libshit. But eventually I found myself incapable of maintaining belief in left wing views.

>your political opinion are caused by traumas and a terrible childhood and/or Life?
you mean being a gay leftist? there nust be a lot of traumatized people then

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>middle class leftist
Most leftists are lowlife drug abusing degenerates, you retarded reddit tranny.

Ever considered that being well adjusted to a sick society means you are the one deranged? Ever considered that faggot?

I had a great, stable life with amazing parents. I had a lot of opportunities, and at first I took them and did well. I’m not making excuses, but slowly my problems made it harder to interact and pass as normal. I kind of gave up. I have some stuff I could market to do well, but I’m too much of a sperg for a lot of regular interactions. I’m not a super big nazi chud, but I hate the leftists for preaching inclusion for everyone except people like me, who are shat on and mocked. I guess it’s a normal petty human reaction to rejection

>political opinion

99% of people don't have a political opinion because they're restricted from truths.

''It's ok not to be ok''

My life was pretty comfy until about 2001/2002. It continuously went to shit afterwards, and so was the entire fucking world around me.

The direct cause of suffering is desire.

I was a leftist as well, a socialist before finding out that yugoslavian socialists genocided my people

Most of use are driven here by shitty newspapers, an imploding political class, and there being absolutely nowhere else to talk about it.

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Nope. I've had a great life. Top-tier education paid for by my hard working parents. Beautiful wife and children. I've made good investments and have lots of property and future opportunities. My siblings/parents/friends and I are all on good terms and one brother is even more GTKRWN than I am. In fact because I have a wonderful son/wife and life is the reason I am full Any Forums. If I didn't have some stake in the future I would probably be a complete hedonist piece of shit like you probably are and wouldn't care that my nation is being overrun by low IQ hostile shitskins and run by a hostile tribe of swindlers.

My only problems are that I smoke too much weed and need to get into shape.

Oh and I worked for 10 years for a jewish owned company where I was one of only a few gentiles. Literally everything Any Forums says about the eternal jew is correct. Their nepotism, their pilpul, their treachery..I'm not a genocide user but it's pretty fucking clear that we need our own nations, territories etc. and they need to get the fuck out.

Speak for yourself. I'm here because this is an animeboard.

My political options are correct and my childhood has nothing to do with them

imaging thinking it's this deep.

Yes ofcourse, if you experience hardship in life you tend to have rational outlook on life more often than not, even being a gymbro and introducing artificial hardship on your body has been studied to increase the likelyhood of you believing in right wing ideas, being a leftist is being a sheltered child who has no sense of danger and self preservation, they simply cant fathom why people would want to own a gun for example or be against mass migration because their brain doesn't work as its supposed to

I worked at a kike run small consulting company (and we did work for British petroleum mostly, so yeah )

It was awful. Terrible work life balance. Gas lighting. My boss came in at 10 on a good day for her, I was expected to show up at 8:20 even though it was a 9-5 desk job. Culture of blame etc. fuck em

I was raised well and I find the current climate in my country intolerable to the point of revolting.

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>Have you ever considered that maybe your political opinion are caused by traumas and a terrible childhood and/or Life?
yes i don't want anyone to ever go through what i did and the solution is banning degeneracy

>Valid criticism is projection

A quintessentially ‘I’ve got a IQ of 95 but I must be smart because I’ve got a humanities degree’ perspective.