Who's winning?

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West is Christian Conservatives under Jewish rule .
East is Atheist NatSocs under CCP rule .

Of course East winning.


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We stand with China, dumb mutt.

Even with the west's technological advantage and societal influence through media and infrastructure?

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>Who's winning?
lietuva and estija with 20% inflation

This should have a separate colour for the Anglosphere. Our goals are not the same as the EU

70% of global GDP vs 20%

Why is Pakistan not red in this map?

their politics almost exclusively revolves around being anti-india

Don't know about Serbia, user. Sure, a lot of their serfs bark a lot about muh Russia, but Serbia has slowly been cozying up the West for the past decade, and that's where most of their investment comes from too. I'm not expert doe, so if any Serbian wants to elaborate that'd be nice.

China alone has a stronger GDP than US it's a fact. You can compete with a global superpower who ranks so far above the US. Why is this even debatable

58% of real GDP (a.k.a. actual GDP) vs 42%

just as a quick crash course on what real vs nominal GDP is

Real is adjusted for currency value, while nominal is converted straight to the dollar and valued. Sounds fair, but in reality, currencies are manipulated, and dollar isn't global so its unfair to represent economies in a currency that it doesn't transact in. Example of this would be how the Pound fell 15% on the day of the Brexit referendum. Nominal GDP would tell you that Britain started producing 15% less stuff that day, while Real GDP would say Britain is still producing the same amount of stuff that day as any other day.

However, Real GDP is still inflated/deflated for import costs. How this is done is the GDP is converted to actual goods and services by having economists find the prices of goods and services in the economy, and then figuring out how much that GDP can actually buy. A land where everything is cheap (in relative to dollar terms) and plentiful would have a low GDP because GDP is accruing a lot slower. Real GDP would take the price difference into account and realise that this economy is actually producing a lot of things.

Whoever starves last.


Why don't China just invade Mongolia? Do they still feat the mongols?

Myanmar, Iran, Laos and Cambodja are also firmly on the East side

>Joining east.
I can guarantee that none of them are interested in dying for a subhuman ruski or chinks for no reason, just saying.

You see user, China mass consuming capeshit and loving tge Rock is actually a CCP victory

>Who's winning?


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I kneel

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Kikes are winning seeing as how they own both. Midwits and shills like fighting over what kikes tell them to. Nevermind that are real enemies are internal and very easy to get to.

fpbp east will win easily, they just have to wait basically

Japan is not a colony of the west. We are just exploiting them for the benefit of cheap military defense.

Montenegro isnt with the west retard, more than half of the population (not even an exaggeration, Montenegros pop is 600k and 300k was out) was rioting against the President’s support for anti-serbian sentiment

>Yes, our news media is entirely owned and run by Jews
>Yes, our entertainment industry is entirely owned and run by Jews
>Yes, our largest and most powerful financial institutions are owned and run by Jews
>Yes, the richest people in the US are Jews
>Yes, the wealthiest landlords in the US are Jews
>Yes, the white house is full of Jews
>Yes, our highest judicial institution, the American Supreme Court, is half jewish
>Yes, all of our presidents and presidential candidates kneel to the AIPAC
>Yes, all of our most prestigious universities are filled to the brim with semites
>Yes, our most respected university professors are Jewish.
>Yes, all of our social movements have been spearheaded by Jewish intellectuals
>Yes, our religion is Jewish
>Yes, most Americans consider Jews to be the Chosen People
>Yes, our foreign policy is entirely dedicated towards defending Israel and helping it expand

BUT! haha! Not so fast!
>Look at this 60-year-old picture of Mao posing with American Jews working in American finance in order to make money for American corporations in China. Look I colored them blue so you can REALLY see them!
>Also look at this one jew, really look at him. He is jewish, look. He is being jewish... in 1960's China! Look.
>Now look at this Wikipedia page. Notice something? He's Jewish AND he lived in China. He was a doctor and I'm sure he jewishly removed bullets from wounded soldiers in a very Jewish manner. He obviously controlled the Party. That's one more!
>Look at this picture of Xi shaking hand with Netanyahu. Look they're smiling. He owns him. No, not Xi, the Jew. The Jew owns Xi, look. Look, it's obvious. Look at the angle their hands make. That's Jewish magic (or some say Majick). Why else would world leaders shake hands or engage in trade?

See? Both sides are just as zogged and part of a grand 1000-year-old zionist master plan so you might as well just give up and defend OUR status quo, fellow lib- ... White freedom-loving right-winger!

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