Eugenics, genetic engineering and designer babies

What this technology means to the world and the future? Today it exist in the form of surrogates and sperm/egg donors and IVF. Tomorrow it will be humans created to be perfect and grown in artificial wombs.

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>can engineer anything they want
>makes more niggers

why did they use an aryan baby?

The reality is they're engineering a submissive population to control and consume. They're not engineering to push humanity to it's limits.

Considering the state of judeo-capitalism I'd say they're subliminally demonstrating the prime target.

it's from 2015 so they hadn't gone full nigger spam yet

Why do you think we call jews "gene stealers"? They have aryan envy, they want to be white.

>Cant prove blacks are lower IQ than whites due to genetics.
>”But we can totally engineer your babies… please fund me”
Science is dead, its nothing but scams and politics at this point.

If someone is created 100% in a lab and grows in an artificial womb, wouldn't that negate any ancestry or ethnicity? Essentially becoming a new species without true ancestors. Just a new type of human.

>If someone is created 100% in a lab
A fertilized egg is still needed. No matter how you crispr-cas9 tf out of it you'll still be able to trace the baby chink back to genghis khan

I'm confused, why is there a White baby on the cover?

>Eurabia is a political neologism, a portmanteau of Europe and Arabia, used to describe a far-right anti-Muslim conspiracy theory, involving globalist entities allegedly led by French and Arab powers, to Islamise and Arabise Europe, thereby weakening its existing culture and undermining a previous alignment with the United States and Israel.[1][2]

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I love MIT so heckin much it's unreal

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>Science is dead, its nothing but scams and politics at this point.
They've been doing that for some time now.

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we ?


>If someone is created 100% in a lab
The "lab" is just them fucking with dating websites/apps to match people with (((they're))) people, as well as direct advertising seeking surrogate mothers.
>and grows in an artificial womb, wouldn't that negate any ancestry or ethnicity?
The artificial womb is referring to those women being used for breeding purposes. Considering their goal is to genocide White Europeans by creating economic, social, and legal policies that """discourage""" White people from breeding, unless it's with non-White foreigners.

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Because these (((satanists))) want to transform whites into weak, low IQ and ugly goyims

>these (((satanists)))
Whatever you want to call the fuck-o's in the desert. I don't know why satanists would create policies that only benefit 3rd worlders in asia/africa. Sounds more like an islamic thing to me.

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It would be good if the people with that power could be trusted in the slightest. Their only intent is to use it as a weapon. Not even a weapon to destroy the enemies of mankind, but a weapon to bring about extinction.

Why would they want Perfect Humans? Like whats the incentive here?

More like (((they))) will gene edit you so you never live past 50 so they dont have to pay your pension.

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