Savitri Devi

Don't be a pussy and read ALL of these. It is quite the power trip, especially as an 18-19 year old when I read them during University kek

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Pajeet hindu demon worshippers will be the first to go

Sounds dangerously close to freemasonic dualism. Probably gonna skip those books but thank you for your suggestion.

>Pajeet hindu demon worshippers
She wasn't Indian, and Hinduism is an Aryan religion. Stupid mutt

>freemasonic dualism
National. Socialism.

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>shitjeet we wuz superman n shiet cope
Fuck your caste system your illegal takeover of the west is coming to an end soon we won't let it happen. Go take your cow shit bath and eat dinner with your hands now, poopjeet

I am literally whiter than you. You might be very surprised with what you find in those books

Hinduism is pure idolatry and elephant worship. Keep coping shitjeet, lmao. God hates Hinduism.

She forgets there are none equal to the Supreme personality of Godhead. It is foolish to try to be a 'god'

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It was always called Santana Dharma before it was subverted. There is only one God who communicates with his creations in various ways. Read the Gita. Eternal unchanging truth.

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Fuck off groomniggers

> is so true, that the Leader who inspired them — Adolf Hitler, now so shamelessly slandered
and so bitterly hated by a worthless world, — not only abstained from flesh
in his own daily diet, but is, as far as I know, the only European ruler who
ever seriously contemplated the possibility of a continent without
slaughterhouses and actually intended to make that dream a reality as soon
as he could.
>We have seen, we see every day, how the hypocrites treat their
enemies — when they catch them. And we know what atrocities they can
perform on human beings — or order, or at least condone, — when it suits
their purpose. They treat animals no better. They take the hidden crimes
daily committed against them in this increasingly wicked world, as a matter
of course, just as they do those committed against the men and women
whom they look upon as “dangerous fanatics,” “war criminals” and so forth.
>Of course, they find good excuses for their attitude, — one always
Just random quotes.
Thanks, OP. Very interesting.

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>french neonazi schizo roastie LARPing as a pajeet
what can go wrong?

>There were months and months of savage persecution, during which a host of martyrs sealed with their blood their allegiance to the Man “against Time.” I shall recall one — one among thousands; the worthy comrade and mouthpiece of thousands: a young S.S. warder of the Belsen camp, whom the British and their Jewish acolytes tortured in April 1945, in the hope to get I do not know what information out of him. One evening, he was brought to the infirmary, unrecognisable: eyeless, his jaw hanging; his bones broken, his face and body one raw, bleeding mass of torn flesh. He was placed upon a bed. And a British officer told the German doctors: “See to it that he lasts till to-morrow morning; we must try once more to make him speak...” In the middle of the night, the young man called the nurse in charge. He could not move; hardly utter a word. She leaned over the bed. He whispered; “Heil Hitler!” and gave up the ghost. I do not know his name; but r have often thought of him — and of others — and recalled the verse of the Horst Wessel Song: “Comrades whom the Reaction and the Red Front have slain,” — whom all the agents of the Dark forces have slain, — “march in spirit with us, within our ranks!”
Heh, good one.

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There's an audio interview were many of her quotes come from. Check bitchute if they're there.

How is she a neonazi when she was natsoc during theThird Reich?

Cope. The vedas/gita dont claim truth or salvation. It's just ideas and coping (and larping as the OT God). No proof of reincarnation either. We only know this life and that we die once. Sorry, shitjeet.

I have a theory that only people with an IQ above 125 are capable of understanding her in all honesty

>No proof of reincarnation either.
When you have a child of your own race then you do not die. The experiences transfer over to the next in line. Some will be degenerates (those who choose to walk down the wrong path) and those that follow the footsteps of themselves and their previous lives. That does not mean being stuck were you previous ly were but rather you follow the right path and when those premade footsteps disappear, you keep following the right path.

Reincarnation - BG 2.22: As a person sheds worn-out garments and wears new ones, likewise, at the time of death, the soul casts off its worn-out body and enters a new one.

Salvation - BG 18.66: Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me (God). I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear.

Correct user. God also says that the cycle of birth and death can be stopped in the present life itself by complete unconditional surrender to his divine will. He will take care of the rest.