What are the political implications of politically incorrect games, such as the game I'm making called Hyperborea...

What are the political implications of politically incorrect games, such as the game I'm making called Hyperborea. You play as William Luther Pierce and you will eventually travel to the north pole and discover Nazi magic stuff. Let me know if you have any ideas for the game. Here is a video of the game play so far:

Attached: hyperborea.png (1368x683, 1017.99K)

you fags make the shittiest, most boring unoriginal games

leave the creativity to the liberals, they're more original and at least they make an effort to try new things

How is it unoriginal?
There's literally no video game in existence where you go to the North Pole to discover ancient nazi magic and stuff

buy an ad you fucking worthless sack of shit!!!!!

>buy an ad to show off my little fun game project i made in my free time and am not making money off of
absolutely retarded nigger monkey

You're making that yourself? unironically looks decent

Don't the Wolfenstein games kind of have that?

thank you, yes all by myself! :)
I don't know actually. I've only ever played RTCW and really liked it, except for the fact that youre playing as a Jew. I'm kind of just still figuring out the story and what's going to happen.

Yes, OPs unoriginal shitty game that he is shilling here was made 30 years ago.

no retard you play as WLP and there's mossad that tries to come get you and theres castles, going to have all sorts of cool shit

in this game you will go to a NAZI MOON BASE.

>The Mondbasis Eins (lit. "Moonbase One") is the primary lunar colony established by the Nazis in the late 1950s, after achieving spaceflight. It has been only seen to date in Wolfenstein: The New Order (though other moonbases have been mentioned/hinted at, with some seen in associated DLC).

stfu gorilla nigger, your game is trash and so are you

not sure why they're being such assholes, game is not even finished.

theyre unironically probably lefty/jewish shills

ok then give me an idea.

looks pretty good, user. using unreal engine?

no lol its the Source engine

ah, cool. shows how old i am lol

Source games are dated as fuck. Don't waste your time making an HL2 mod when you can generate a similar response by spamming "nigger" all over this board.

Nobody is going to play a game with basic retexturing and atrocious mapping

Is this a half life 2 mod?


Genuinely inspirational, will it include the Jewish problem in text files/audio logs like system shock. I want this to succeed, not enough games push the envelope these days like Doom and Heretic did back when gaming was peak.

Source engine is good too, me personally I'm waiting for Godot 4.0 and gonna have a crack at a Doom clone as my experience level is very low

Please give future updates!

Attached: 1653768885663.jpg (811x912, 155.32K)

fuck you
m8 don't wait, you can make a doom clone so fuckin easy, even with gaymmaker, just use current godot if you want

keep going op, i've made a simple 2d game where you shoot jews but havent brought myself to release it here yet
i mean its pretty crap but it is still a game that works and it feels good killing jews
i also started a clicker game based on the holocaust in godot but it's hard to map out a good upgrade path
the political implications are how do you release it? you basically have to torrent if you don't want it taken down but then your ip is exposed unless you buy a seedbox or something
and if you want to be able to interact with the players at all you will need to make some sort of social media account, preferably with a proxy
and if you want people to be able to donate to the cause you probably have to use some sort of crypto

feels good to know we are out there though, i need to stop being a pussy and publish my game