How do racists reconcile this?

Early humans migrated out of Africa and over many thousands of years they adapted to their environments, resulting in the various phenotypes of today's people. Human deems are much more similar to each other than different, so racism is just silly.

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Other urls found in this thread: Walks Amongst Us.pdf?dl=0

debunked sweaty

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Didn't they find niggers to be genetically different to homo sapiens? Where are the biology bros when we need you most? Google is cucked.

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they aren't all human
and there were people living there already

Nah. Im sorry but the remains excavated dont support your theory.

Its complete bullshit

that is a theory not a fact

I'll never forgive niggers for eradicating my Neanderthal ancestors.

Its just another like theory to remove focus from the last catastrophy that almost killed all humans

>This was a revolutionary finding, indicating that it was possible that humans evolved in Europe — launching a curveball into African-origin evolutionary theory. But the newest research, just announced this week, shows that the 50 footprints are more than 300,000 years older than previously thought, according to a new scientific paper published in Scientific Reports.

Out of africa was known bullshit way back when it was proposed let alone today.

So we "evolved" from niggers? No shit faggot.

>Homo erectus

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stick with religion to refute racism. that theory could be total bullshit.

those that moved were the smart ones that evolved into humans.

>Human deems are much more similar to each other than different

This statement is so vague, it is actually meaningless. Did you perform measurements before coming to this conclusion? If so, how?

Sub-Saharan Africans are completely unrelated to any other people on the planet. see

So niggers have been trying to migrate to Europe for 300k years. Is fixing the continent not a option?

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>Tens of thousands of years of divergent evolution and adaptation in wildly different, geographically separate environments only affected our skin colour. Our behavioural traits, reproductive strategies, social cohesion, cognitive abilities, etc were completely unaffected. We are all equal.

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The African origin theory has been debunked through genetics
Sorry nigger you’re subhuman after all

You then mixed with an isolated archaic hominid after we left

Would you let some random Pitbull play with your kid over some random Corgi?
Why people accept that some dog races are smarter or more aggressive or even more docile and yet when it comes to humans they only accept it partially?
For example, it's not offensive to say blacks excel at sports more than whites, which is true—statistics confirm this. It's not offensive to say asians are overall smart, BUT when you try to say blacks tend to be more aggressive everyone loses their shit?

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West, Central, and South Africans, what we call "Black Africans," split off from the rest of developing humanity, who hugged the afro-eurasian coastal plains, 160,000-100,000 years ago, either starting in or dispersing to and from a Central African position, all of them then isolating in different climes, and mixing with even more archaic strains of non-sapien hominids, to the extent we are still uncovering the traces and origins of these pre-historic sub-human groups, who Destiny has given us as a dark example of an extinct time and curse.

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It's wrong.
It was wrong given what we knew 80 years ago.
It was wrong 10 years ago and it's wrong today.

This is correct.

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niggers are a different species. the are the only human species to share dna with ancient primates

no dumbass
there used to be land where the pacific is now
got fucked by giant asteroid entering the atmosphere
races are simply the genetic byproduct of the resulting radiation

i dont get it, according to the map niggers are a subhuman race that never evolved while their nomad counterparts changed and somehow managed to be smarter than them in every case? isnt this map actually racist?

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Races were originated by intermixing with other ominids.
Environment played a role only in selection for IQ and maybe in shaping moral code like in the case of monogamy.

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Darwinismo es una estafa.

Homo Erectus

Niggers are a different species Walks Amongst Us.pdf?dl=0

Out of africa theory has pretty much entirely fallen out of consensus in the anthropological community.

African ghost dna

>ghost people
Kek neanderthals just fucked african monkeys and niggers came out of that LMAO

Most species have common ancestor if you go far enough. Doesn't mean that you and a zebra are the same animal

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Faggot's pic implies the San (in your picture) produced the Congoloid. But we this completely wrong, their DNA is as distinct from each other as an Africa is to a non-African.

In fact, the San faced a multiple millennia long genocide against them by the Congoloids (Bantu). They used to live in central Africa. They were once the most populous human group on the planet.
The genocide ended when a fluke of nature occurred with the Dutch Settling lands which were recently exterminated of all San. This created a buffer zone and by the time Europeans set up civilization in Southern Africa the Congoloid's (Bantu's) genocidal wrath was no longer aimed at the San, instead it was directed towards the Europeans.

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And now every leftist denies the bantu genocide, and pretends south africa always ways bantu land.

>Early humans migrated out of Africa
No they didn't.

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I don't support OOA but he doesn't debunk anything.

your IQ must be lower than a Niggers if you believe this kike hypothesis.

The out of Africa theory is supported by all the available evidence.

that's a stepping off point you stupid faggot monkeyghostdna niggER

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its inaccurate, how high were sea levels? how much closer were the continents?

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remember what i said