America is collapsing

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Thats based
I bet he could beat your ass faggot

My dad won't stop working despite me and brothers telling him to retire, pretty sure the moment he stops he'll pass away.

Work is for idiots

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many people legitimately love to work. My grandpa didn't stop working until he could barely stand. And then he got a job driving people around until he could barely see.

This can't be fucking real.

Lol. The big prize is actually having a Saturday AND Sunday off.


Doing work you enjoy as a side hustle, basically doing your hobby for a living (for whatever income you can get) is one thing. But working for the man, preventing a young person from getting that nice job, etc.?

I don't understand Boomers who won't retire after 65. Their life is so shit, they have so little imagination, they can't do something useful with themselves without the boss giving them work to do. How fucking pathetic.

>rotisserie chicken
>these are the "bonuses" for going above and beyond to satisfy walshart customers
I can't think of the words to describe what I'm feeling.

This. Smart people know how to make money without doing any real work.


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I'm never going to retire because I cannot save any money.

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Seen it happen several times to people that retire.

Damn he looks old as shit for just 79

work sucks the life out of you, physically

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He has to work because you motherfucking zoomers and millennials won't. Who is going to build and rebuild the infrastructure? Not you! Who is going to do the manual labor required to keep the electricity on? Not you! OP is right. Fuck you fags.

I make this argument all the time and people think I'm nuts. These boomers need to stop holding the good jobs, we have families to feed.

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regardless of the actual type of work, some people just live to do something. they might be suckers, they might just want to stay busy to avoid something else, they might just have a drive to contribute something. cant blame em.

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Get that nugget out of here, it's working hours.

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looks like one jew spotted another

also, id like to add some people end up like the main guy from NCIS. you just get old and eventually start building a boat in your basement

Work harder, old timer! Ukrainians need more money.


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My dad's working til seventy to max his retirement income. I'd really rather he spend these years with his grandkids, but he was always busy with work when I was a kid, too.

Men need something to work on, especially older men, or they just waste away and die quickly.
That doesn't mean you can't retire, it doesn't need to be work for someone else. Get a hobby, build stuff.

The old man that revealed that knowledge to me is currently in his mid 80s, great health, doesn't look his age and is always working on something. His boat, his home, guy runs a fucking excavator on the side of a cliff with a safety chain in case it tries to roll. He blasts rock with smokeless powder. A little hard of hearing though.

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work is good for you. not saying you gotta be slaving away somewhere for 20 years but you gotta be doing something. some kind of work. (housewives/mothers for example.) making money through dishonest means is wrong. nothing will destroy a man faster than not working. don't forget that kikes-that's partly whats wrong with you. seen this too many times for it to not be true.

That's a spic. 100% slave race. They can't understand anything but work.

He looks so happy

why are you complaining? I honestly cant understand.

Retards need something to do

Better to have him mill about Walmart stocking shelves and wrangling carts than getting high and carrying a gun around

What'd he do when he was blind and motionless? Work the stables?

Thanks doggo