Why do people think the Great Reset is bad?

I made a thread asking about this on Any Forums and nobody could really give a clear answer, why do people seem so against the Great Reset? At its core, all it's really proposing is to be more environmentally cautious, cutting back on meat just a bit, and to be more open to displaced refugees during international crises.

One Any Forums user mentioned bettering other nations instead of bringing everyone to the US, which I agree with, but I still think immigration still acts as a good short-term solution during said crises until those solutions can be implemented.

Can Any Forums better explain why the Great Reset has a bad connotation? None of the proposals seem harmful

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Here's a better question. Why won't you show your real flag rabbi?

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That's beside the point and doesn't answer my question. What's wrong with the Great Reset?

you know "covid measures" were also supposed to only last for "just a bit."
fuck off

You are being turned into a serf whose serfdom will be enforced via technological means to regulate your movement and anchor you to a region. You will then have your commerce monitored and you will be sanctioned for drawing outside the lines.
If you want to be a slave, I will not stop you.

>why do people seem so against the Great Reset?

it's an obvious consolidation of power

Why not use the opportunity to better the world while it's still possible?

Because these elitists are authoritarian technocratic communists

How? Putting everyone on equal footing is giving who a consolidation of all the power?


>Why do people think the Great Reset is bad?



the world is fine. schwab or any other nigger faggot has no grounds to say otherwise

vaxx passports literally keep vulnerable groups of people safe in public and also help better keep track of people's travel records. are.... are you serious right now?

1. You are clearly either Jewish or from Israel. Memeflags get the rope
2. The great reset is bad because it gives more power to kikes and hurts the middle/lower class even further
3. It literally creates and instills a new world order above any and all government. An unelected body of government with no face or name that can decide or do anything
4. It's proponent creators of the great reset made Justin Trannydu of faganada. Nothing good can come from the Communists that made him
Not to mention 5. It is made by globalists, who want globalism, which is just super communism made for kikes, by kikes.

Alright I answered your question, and now tell everyone your real flag rabbi. You have no excuse

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>are.... are you serious right now?
are you?

I'm sure that's very easy for you to say as a person fortunate enough to have the time, resources, and wealth necessary to bitch and moan on this site as you do. For the less fortunate people, however...

Stop acting stupid rabbi. Creating a brown slave class for the elites to fuck with isn't good. Go back you can't win here.

i'm trying to be, but nobody's making any legitimate points against my claims. it's hard to take the other side seriously when all people can manage is "jew this jew that"

do YOU people even know why you hate the idea? i bet not

Notice this kike won't reply to me.

Lmao pathetic response
Shill confirmed

Because every satanic psychopath pedo on Earth endorses it

try to keep up

The kike fears the based jew

I laid it out to you. >379995326

Honestly bro, just kill yourself.

that's where we start to delve into purely conspiratorial claims. source or keep quiet

less fortunate people dont know schwab nor did they ask for his help. but schwab is as qualified to recreate the world in his image as these so called less fortunate people. nobody needs him. we are fine on our own thanks

nice non answer. even Any Forums did a better job at explaining the aversiveness to me and that's setting the bar REAL low

You guzzle gallons of nigger cum, and I wish I could go back in time to bully you/piss in your eyes for making this retarded thread. I hope your mother gets raped by a pack of hairy grekoids

Kike fears jew
Nigger fears coon

>start company to save the kids
>get caught in many lies, constantly deceiving and manipulating
>almost seems like you actually kill kids but it's hard to know anything for sure because of all your secrecy
>people complain and want you investigated
>their defense: why are you against saving kids? are you retarded or just evil?
>oh good heavens i would never be against saving kids, sorry I brought it up.

i really thought Any Forums would be better at defending their position on the issue. it's extremely disappointing that you guys cant even seem to persuade someone who's totally open minded to dissent why your view is the correct one.

Is that you Vaush? Respond to

Typical kike pilpul. Would you rather burn in an oven first to get used to what hells going to be like?

Witness this kike refuse to entertain my explanation.

He and his crew feed sensationalist bullshit to gullible retards without the stamina for a physical fight to subjugate their opinion through implied fear of those who produce the things necessary for them to live freely.
The working people are capable of fighting against erosion of unalienable rights protecting even the retards that don't want them.
What are those bleeding-heart batshit crazy non-productive retards going to do when the people in control of that system just decide not to feed, clothe, house or provide health care to the goyim? They're going to die wishing they used their fucking brain and question why they ever thought a Communist utopian ideal would work under any circumstance. Probably covered in food crust, feces and filled with contempt and hatred for one another.

> nice non answer
You got a whole multi paragraph post up north rabbi. Are you afraid you'll be ousted? Will your discord NWO faggot friends not see how heckin epic you are when you shitpost on here?