People deserves everything bad that happens to them

People deserves everything bad that happens to them

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Show flag

Rent free

Attached: 1139.jpg (865x842, 324.8K)

I genuinely don't know what more you could expect from Reddit.

>please be patient, it’s my first day on the net and i don’t know what a vpn is
fucking dumbass.

Oy vey

Attached: 1651057156154.png (320x597, 278.37K)

what- what is this a picture of?

Attached: 1652838705899.jpg (1024x480, 59.23K)

Thats what the frankenweiners they graft on to Ftm trannies looks like

do you have the original pic?

it's a fucking memeflag, you should know memeflaggot

Attached: file.png (520x520, 144.06K)

No that shits nasty, im not the one that posted it

No. The time for you to pay for your transgressions is coming.

Why are americans so stupid? He's saying
>showing your flag doesn't matter because VPNs exist
And 2.
>if you're going to use a VPN in another country you might as well use a memeflag so people don't think you're from there
Use that little corn syrup saturated brain of yours, mutt.

Attached: 5074.png (485x443, 22.91K)

Tick. Tock. Faggot.

Retard, he said the memflag is a vpn you illiterate fuck
Only changs post mutt memes.
nice knowing you
>tiananmen square

> Cheap fake imitation memes
> Cheap fake imitation "woman"

Two more weeks right incel?

>Only changs post mutt memes.
Only mutts get mutthurt about them

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If you want to see how fast trannies can ruin a forum just head over to Any Forums.