Why don't Americans work harder

Why aren't Americans willing to stay until 3 am and sleep at work anymore? Where did our work ethic go?

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When was slaving away at work the norm? The early 1900s?

It's those damn labor laws, I tell you!

I work 24 hours a week
couldn't image working more

If you work hard enough you can be a billionaire like Elon Musk goy

Because there's nothing in it for you. No reward no recognition. Society no longer rewards this behavior so why do it unless you're working for yourself it makes no sense.

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>Twelve hour shifts, six days a week
>Complimentary air mattress and sleeping bag
>Can't leave the plantation, live at work

T... thanks space man

We had rights then, you broke the social contract with covid hoax and by destroying our statues and stealing our votes, so now it all burns down and we warm ourselves in the fire.

just a few apartheid blood diamond mines and you too can inherit a fortune!

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they want Japanese loyalty without Japanese lifetime employment

>Why aren't Americans willing to stay until 3 am and sleep at work anymore? Where did our work ethic go?
Because it is no longer common for ordinary workers to be promoted to executive roles, no matter how hard they work or how loyal to the company they are.

Before the late-20th century, it was fairly common for senior members of even the largest companies to have started their careers as entry-level factory workers or office drones without even a college degree, who rose to power over the course of 30+ years at the same employer. Now, you never see that. The executive class is made up of people with graduate degrees that cost more than most people can even hope to pay for, who drift from one company to another without any loyalty.

Why work hard when you know it will get you nowhere, and your fate, whether to remain an executive or a worker, was decided by the socio-economic conditions beyond your control?

>No reward no recognition
only if you have a very low ceiling, if you are talented, you'll get a lot, and if you are really talented you'll get rich

Musk is a total faggot. His existence since he sold PayPal has been solely to please others and stroke his own over inflated ego.

He called a guy a pedophile in front of millions of people, just because the guy said his idea would not work.

Tesla cars are poorly designed compared to other major brands and digging tunnels underground for high speed travel is not innovative. That’s called a fucking subway.

Some day all these followers will realise he’s fake as fuck.

Most people in the work force are lazy as shit. Its amazing how little most people actually do. No work ethic, always calling out sick, always late. And it seems to get worse the higher up the pay scale you go.

Elon Musk is a dirty nigger

Probably sick of seeing all their money stolen and given to foreign countries as aid (money laundering). Why work when the government no longer represents our interests and steals all your money for the pleasure.

Industrial Revolution normalized it.

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This is the difference of stagnant wages against veiled slavery.

what's the deal with all these attack articles always using same 3 photos of Musk? I highly doubt he said that and if he did then they way they quote him is out of context

Chinese workers are working in companies that were allowed to steal all of our intellectual property by the same people who had us working till 3am to invent it in the past.

Died after the election fortification.
>Who wants to built thier own prison?

Trsst the plane trust trump trust america and trust jewsus amen. God has a plan Q