If you hate Boomers, you're a left winger and possibly a communist

Look at reddit, they whine about Boomers endlessly. They blame Boomers for current economic conditions and for their own failures in life. It's like a cult of the young blaming their elders instead of taking responsibility for themselves.

If you hate Boomers, you're on the left.

Attached: Anarchists, Portland, Jan. 20, 2021.png (500x324, 327.05K)

ok boomer

ok boomer

I am on the left on numerous issues. I don’t pick a “team” and just say whatever they say. People who play team sports in the arena of politics are literally retarded.

Digits don't lie.

Anti-Boomer rhetoric sounds just like that antifa protest sign: A New World From The Ashes.

I guess I’m a communist then, boomer.

> The young have been driven into the left because Boomers insatiable neo-liberal looting of the economy.
Yeah, weird why they wouldn't be happy with retired cunts owning 80% of the economy, living on pensions that are funded by the young as a ponzi scheme.

That's left-wing rhetoric: blaming one's social superiors and wanting what they have out of envy.

Then I'm a communist

no one is envious of a parasite

The world will be an objectively better place when all boomers are dead.

>They blame Boomers for current economic conditions

Boomers prospered under a system which has become unsustainable. Financial repression for generations to come, interest rates stuck at 0-2.5%. It's over, time to pay the piper and that leads us all into 3rd world standards of living.

They may be ungovernable but they ain't bullet proof.

I cant tell if this is bait or not, but the package-deal fallacy is a quintesdentially boomer way of thinking, Boomer.

That's a left-wing environmentalist buzz word.

No, i use it as fiat debt based usury system reaching it's end game.

republicans always were

The US has been going downhill ever since boomers started getting into positions of power back in the early 90s. All they've ever given us was overpriced Chinese junk, endless wars, and recessions.

>If you hate Boomers, you're a left winger and possibly a communist
Why specifically mention communism? What makes the communist hatred of boomers different from the socialist hatred of boomers?

Well, i feel like the boomers watched their parents hand the keys to the country away to foreign nations, so they could make an extra buck. those same boomers started companies of their own that engaged in the same exportation of our industry, potentially in permanence rendering their children economically insolvent.
They not only had an example of what not to do from their parents, they berate us on the daily for not listening to their parents as well. theyre an ill, spoiled, entitled generation that doesnt think systemically, and cant accurately envision the future no matter how hard they try.
What kind of duty is it to explain to another man that they are a danger unto themselves?

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