I'm black, my dad is a lawyer, and his life-story disproves Racist narratives

>"Blacks are lazy"
>"Blacks are Criminals"
>"Blacks are all losers"

LMAO just cope. Here's the story of my dad, raised in a poor Chiraq neighborhood and is now a fucking lawyer from an Ivy League tier school. Let me explain.

So growing up my dad had no opportunity. He was just a kid in a corrupt and poor learning environment. Despite that he read books and learned stuff. When he was 13 and 14 while the other kids were busy playing videogames or being delinquents he was talking about Karl Marx and exposing Marxist-Communist beliefs (he wasn't a communist just very open-minded and liked Trotsky and Lenin). He ended up getting arrested and charged when he was 18 for playing mailbox baseball (a game every white teenager plays but never gets charged) and drug dealing (he wasn't really a drug dealer he sold his Ritalin prescription). Then when he was 19 he was convicted of soliciting prostitution and actually served some time in jail.

Because we had leftists in power at the time and a progressive judicial system, they put him through a youth rehabilitation program and set him on track to education. He graduated community college with high marks in African studies, went on to an ivy league law school, and graduated with honors. Today my father helps poor black people convicted of minor crimes like soliciting prostitution, drug dealing of pharmaceuticals, and vandalism just like he was, and he helps them since the broken criminal justice system won't afford them a good lawyer. My father one time called a judge "a pasty ass peckerwood" in court, was ALMOST thrown out, yet still ended up winning the case because his argumentation skills are superb. It's time Any Forums takes a step back and realizes that blacks are just as, if not MORE capable than whites.

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol.s4s/subject/black dad is a lawyer/type/op/


>0/10 bait
aussies do it better

Didn't read my negroid


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archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol.s4s/subject/black dad is a lawyer/type/op/


Your dad has white ancestors

Same shitty bread, different shitty day.

Niggers are lazy criminal losers.
being a nigger is a choice


i know this pasta

Stop baiting . no fcking plp take photo like this unless kind of commercial.I hate this kind of plp who gonna reply nigger. Fcking stupid has no fcking brain. And think there is any one really in this web try to make a debate. No . u guys are fcking retard. I don't hate racism because i know this is a nature. But i hate retard live happy with no fcking reason.

fake australia really has the worst shit posts

clean it up

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If you understand IQ distribution you'd know this proves nothing. You're dad's IQ is just at the high end for blacks which puts him in the the white IQ range. So he's an outlier. Unfortunately for you there's also regression to the mean meaning that unless your mom is also high IQ you and your offspring will revert to the IQ that's the mean for your race.

>I'm a black man bros
>I espouse typical white republican delusions though

Seriously doubt it. Post hand with timestamp

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>"Blacks are all losers"

No one says blacks are all losers. Just the vast majority of them. Your dad is an anomaly.

Not all great white sharks will try to eat you if you're bleeding in the ocean. But most will. Would you still swim with them because a few won't? I wouldn't risk it. That's the point.

Niggers go home to Africa.

You're supposed to be intelligent and you don't understand anecdotal evidence. Good fucking job proving to us that blacks are stupid.


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Fcking retard. Can u also make a better stories? Why ur father really fcking say what he done in fcking 13 years old. This is no fcking movie. No father talk his son what he done in fcking 13 years old.