
Im kinda annoyed and kinda pissed with all these guys bashing Trudeau for how he handled the trucking situation. Its pretty frustrating. These guys occupied a city for weeks. Trudeau did everything he could to get them to leave peaceful but they completely refused and actually got worse. They harrassed local businesses, stole food from the homeless, flew racist flags and then blocked the ambassador bridge totally fucking the economy and business on both sides of the border. They were refusing to leave and negatively impacting 1000s of people on both sides of the border. Its ironic that Trudeau let it go on for weeks hoping they would come to their senses and leave. But no the wouldn't and he was left with no choice but to use force, and hes a tyrant?? In other countries they shoot protesters. Look at the middle east. Look at America where trump tear gases protesters to merely take a picture. Yet Trudeaus a tyrant for letting truckers occupy the capital for weeks? No one was killed and basically no one was hurt. What the fuck are people crying about? People have it so good in Canada they shouldn't be complaining about anything. Especially something as trivial and the vaccine

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Bye bye fuckbag.

Shut up faggot.

Just be glad that in the end the truck protest achieved nothing. The vax mandate on the US-Canadian border was the reason that it all began and that was never dropped.

Trudeau is a fascist.

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Yeah, to be honest Im kinda annoyed and kinda pissed with all these guys bashing Trudeau for how he handled the trucking situation. Its pretty frustrating. These guys occupied a city for weeks. Trudeau did everything he could to get them to leave peaceful but they completely refused and actually got worse. They harrassed local businesses, stole food from the homeless, flew racist flags and then blocked the ambassador bridge totally fucking the economy and business on both sides of the border. They were refusing to leave and negatively impacting 1000s of people on both sides of the border. Its ironic that Trudeau let it go on for weeks hoping they would come to their senses and leave. But no the wouldn't and he was left with no choice but to use force, and hes a tyrant?? In other countries they shoot protesters. Look at the middle east. Look at America where trump tear gases protesters to merely take a picture. Yet Trudeaus a tyrant for letting truckers occupy the capital for weeks? No one was killed and basically no one was hurt. What the fuck are people crying about? People have it so good in Canada they shouldn't be complaining about anything. Especially something as trivial and the vaccine

OP is right.

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Is Trudeau a Top or a Bottom? I'm guessing you would know.

>Trudeau did everything he could to get them to leave peaceful
Everything but talk to them.

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I thought the general consensus in the west was to not negotiate with terrorists.

Lol Dude their's so much cum in your ass I think it's affecting your brain.

>I thought the general consensus in the west was to not negotiate with terrorists.

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Learn to pronounce
the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

Holding a city hostage trying to intimidate the PM in changing laws in their favor. Text book terrorism


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Silence glowie nigger

Uhhhh, excuse me sweetie, we call that a mostly peaceful protest now. Its CURRENT YEAR, boomer.

i cant read all that
but i will say i am glad i didn't live where they were doing that, i could see myself being very annoyed if 100 trucks were parked around my park and clogging the air with their smoke. i can believe the stories of them harassing stores with mask mandates that sounds believable it would be less believable if it didn't happen

Nice pasta, csis retard

>Trudeau did everything he could to get them to leave peaceful but they completely refused and actually got worse.

except meet with them or even better, stop his government from doing something that is blatantly illegal

he should have been kicked out of the liberal party in disgrace. his cabinet has declared war on the Charter

from my understanding even if trudeau wanted to he couldn't do anything about it because it would need biden's cooperation, the protests were about the vaxx pass between usa and canada