What made you not an NPC user?

There must be something that brought us together. What do we have that allowed us to be aware?

Is it IQ are we just disagreeable what caused us all to end up here?

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>see a girl
>tell my friends "that girl is hot"
>"actually he identifies as male, so if you like him, you're gay"

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When tf was this user? You must be a zoomer too.

Although usually those types of girls look gross

I have always been different but I always assumed I was broken since majority of people can't see, understand or care about the state of the world.
Normal people like what they are told to like, Have opinions they are told to have and dress to be popular rather than comfortable or warm.

However I was never really free until I started learning about all the different methods of brain washing and learned some of the trigger words for different personality types.

I asked why Hitler hated jews so much.

Yeah in 4th grade I asked that. And the teacher would always give me answers that sounded like a villain out of a disney movie.

Back then I just thought he was a cool villain like in some sort of movie. But it never sit well with me how no one could give a logical reason.

It was as if simultaneously Hitler was some mad man or fool who had no clue about what he was doing then in the same breath they would say he was an evil master mind. Like its either one or the other either he was evil and ruthless but intelligently thought out things or he's crazy/idiotic

i am neither jew nor goy, therefor i have a real soul

What are the trigger words you speak of user?

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My family was redpilled luckily

>tv kid
>watched crap on tv like funniest home videos with bob faget and batman the animated series back in the 90s
>see a random special with the whole senpai on ABC where they showed all this awesome footage of sky scraper demolitions
>fast forward to 9/11
>wtf fake as fuck, this is a controlled demolition
>even my family who saw the ABC special showing clips of amazing demolition footage are completely stupid and believe the lies
>legit structural engineers in on the scam
>unable to npc since

Sometimes I worry that this all has made me lose my soul or goodness.

I think one cannot hold onto their empathy when they see both how easily normies are manipulated and how vile our elites are.

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The big thing for me why why we only ever heard one version of the story and not theirs. I started getting really curious to know what their version of the story was because if you want to avoid a big war like that in the future, then you need to understand the reasoning behind why Germany started it, then I learned the didn't actually start it lol. France and England did. Just like they started WW1.

finding and reading weston a price's book on teeth in my teens

the "great reset" is their planned extermination of those of us that are real humans so the jews can feel like their imitation souls are real and the goyim (jew/human mutt) can "graduate" into feeling like they have an imitation soul

Pattern recognition, yet my family is full of NPCs.

It was just God's will.

also with a new religion centered around nwo luciferianism

I used to like searching about Illuminatis, Free Masons and all that shit, later I got intersted in the 9/11 conspiracy and I started saying that gas chamber never existed to rustle some feathers.
But that was the straw that broke the camel's back and my mom started crying in front of everyone.
I was like : "WTF why is mom crying over gas chambers ???"
And then I had to do more researches and you know what researches about WWII end up like.

I got banned from everywhere repeatedly until this was the only place left to shitpost.

I think things were a certain way when we were growing up and we're introverts. Things changed extremely rapidly but if you're a filthy normalfag, it was just slightly more each day until you were brainwashed with the rest of them. If you're someone who goes to work, comes home and talks with your wife, plays video games, burns wood, or some other bullshit you didn't receive the brainwashing (Especially without social media).

This is a datamining thread, but I’ll bite. I’d just bet most here are here because they are internet people, internet people are explorers, and Any Forums has been part of the ‘always online’ type since the beginning. Like there’s what, 2 or 3 billion people with access to this website by typing 8 characters in a bar, but most don’t care to, because they don’t explore the internet. Simple as that. Problem is, once you’re here, you’re here forever. Because it doesn’t get any better, or worse.

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I was born with a soul and love anime


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Several things. Growing up in a family full of Cluster B's made me skeptical of authority figures. Getting burned by jews taught me that kikes are scum. Living around progressive liberals taught me that they are hypocrites. Living among the spawn of corporate CEOs taught me that they are greedy sociopaths who would sell their own country out for a swimming pool and an illegal Guatemalan gardener to impress the Joneses next door. Watching the so-called Alt Right turned out to be a bunch of grifters, faggots, and cryptokikes working for glowniggers taught me to beware of ecelebs. I guess the only thing missing from my resume is getting betrayed by women. My girlfriends have been all right. No sluts or crazies ruining my life, thank God.

Being schizoid, which might as well be the antithesis of an NPC. I was always detached from other people. My inner voice is so strong that it keeps me up every single night. 2/10, it really sucks and I don't recommend it.

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I am an NPC. I do the same shit everyday because its comfy and use the same route home and from work. I am a player character in this simulation.

*non playable character

9/11 was my first real red pill. Before I was a lolbertarian

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Top is your average NPC brain.

Bottom is PC brain. The missing PCA P1 alters hemodynamics in the brain, so the left brain has slightly increased pressure and dominates some aspects of consciousness over the right brain.

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That's an interesting starting point.

m2. I saw Zeitgeist by 2007-2008. That was the movie that opened my mind. Anyways since I was a kid I had a bizare feeling that the world is weird as fuck

loneliness and the desire to socialize with someone without getting criticized for your abnormal views

Pattern recognition, strong feelings when looking at stars when I was a kid, inner voice, strong imagination, FEELINGS. Noticing psychopaths, questioning stupid bullshit systems etc. Just feeling human.

Circumcision was my first big red pill. When I first learned about circumcision and how retarded my parents were, it made me start questioning everything else about this society.

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