It’s not mental health. It’s not “woke” ideology. It’s not single moms

It’s not mental health. It’s not “woke” ideology. It’s not single moms.

It’s the fucking guns

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Ratio (I automatically win)



Funny way to spell niggers

ok lets ban alcohol too.

Too bad for you that you will never get a single gun from us. Ever.


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>inanimate objects cause people to loose their minds and murder people

Nah brah, our society is so fucked up these days that a murder/suicide is more appealing than living a life of servitude and suffering.

>Left gives multiple reasons
>Right gives only one
The state of political comics

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I have the perfect idea to prevent any violent crime from happening ever again. So, you ban guns right? But then, you also make owning a cell phone mandatory. Everyone in the country has to have one. You then give the police access to the camera and microphone on every phone in the country. Boom. No one can ever commit a violent crime again, there are simply to make eyes and ears everywhere! Think about the lives we could save!

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Pull the trigger on every nigger

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I like how the cartoon NRGay is actually pointing out these many various social factors why people go on spree killings, with it implied this is explained out, and all the shitlib cares about is gun control.
In other words, the shitlib is saying "I don't actually don't care about these problems, I want take gun from redneck."

This. Everyone should own a gun. Better two.
Teachers in schools should be required to open carry.

If the children had guns, no shooter would target them.

Of course. Gun crimes can only can be commited by citizens. By scientific materialist definition . :)

fuck the NRA and fuck the gun grabbers. come and take it.

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But I need automatic rifles so I can wage a guerilla insurgency against the government
T. Red necks

>make homemade ricin
>release in subway
>blame the beans

Then how come this shit didn't happen before the gun free zones act of 1990?

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That happened here you dumb faggot. We only got our independence because of men with guns.