What can stop the incel epidemic?

Legalized prostitution? Government mandated gfs? Sex robots?

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restrict incel access to firearms?

I'll just go ahead and say it. The Russians are fucking good at this.

If you have more than 1 social media account. Then you cant own a gun. No other rule or regulation, everything is totally legal. Would probably do more good than literally anything else.

Deal with it the old fashioned way - ship them off to war.

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Lets just legalize prostitution already

where are the streams?

Most 18 year olds are incels

Bringing back a manditory 1 or 2 year service would do unbelieveable amounts of good for the western world.

>everyone forgets his trannyism

He's a young man now
No misses or ma'am to him
Reminder that trannys are only trannies when they're alive
Their actual name always ends up on the gravestone

we must liberate mexico
let the incels do some bleaching while america expands land, expands tax base, and purges the cartels from occupied territory

A normal human path to decent work and a chance for a family with women who aren't used-up consumerized nigger-lovers
Mass enslavement is the cause of 100% of school shootings

You kill them.

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Oh no, we need more surveillance. The word police, who will control every cell of our body, but never act when our bodies are attacked by industrial military complex, rich, cops...etc. But it's for our protection, that we are obedient bots for pedos in high positions and sadomasochistic cops.

Incel is just a phase. Eventually you give up and don't get horny anymore.

I would rather go back to Vietnam than invade Mexico, you'd have to be out of your fucking mind.

This is the kind of tranny murdered they want to allow into the women's restrooms.

why are people so upset about the shooting? he simply performed a couple very late abortions and saved the climate with it. he should get a medal, not prison

nothing can stop what's coming

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I'm sensing a shift in narrative around this shooting. It used to be about guns. Now it's about incels. Could there be a reason for that?

he's a white supremacist, incel, mexican, lone gunman, rich, poor, young, and drug addicted shooter? I'm glad the news cycles cleared that up and finally got the real story for once.

I just have a feeling that most of us local 4channers are not incel virgins

all my Any Forums frens have plenty of sex with their partner of choosing

I say around the age of 16 all WHITE men should have mandated sex slaves. If we add up all the black women in the world we could probably have 4 or 5 per man.

Problem. Solved.

Abolish all alimony, child support payments, and any and all other legal vehicles that funnel money from man to woman (and any and all that funnel money from women to men also if there are any). The real reason that men don't have sex with women: money. The man looks at the woman and sees a gold-digging whore and the woman looks at the men and wants alpha fucks and beta bucks. Eliminate the money problem and the incel problem will be solved overnight.
>don't believe me? I dare women to publish their obgyn health paperwork on their social media and read the comments.

>Government mandated gfs
By the looks of this dude he probably wanted a bf

Subsidized surrogacy.
Legalized prostitution.
Give them stable jobs. Males with no good looks or conctacts are pretty much unemployable.

it's crazy how men in their 16-25's don't even try, literally don't even attempt anything at all

then murder due to the insecurities of not trying


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End satanic witchcraft in police aka grooming and these events will stop happening

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what is that going to do?

Why are trannies so violent?
There should be a 21 year old age requirement, government background check, license, and registration before a tranny can be allowed in public.

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NOT A FALSE FLAG like Buffalo loser

are these confirmed him? or is the well being poisoned here. I cannot find anywhere saying he was trans or report that much.

The person on the left isn't him and you know it