Within the century the US is going to fall apart

It's impossible to not see the growing political, social, and cultural divide that keeps getting bigger and bigger. The elite coastal states repeatedly thumb their noses at the 'flyover states' or the deep south and insist that they know better than us backwards hicks.

Time and time again, I hear from some commie twat who lives in LA, San Fransisco, Portland, New York City, or DC that thinks they know what's best for us and that daddy government should get us under control. That we should all adopt the same leftist policies that left their cities in an embarrassing state. We're getting sick of these communist retards thinking that they should dictate our lives to us while they've never stepped out of their university dorms or their $2,000 a month apartment. They've never seen the poverty of people living in rural Mississippi or seeing farmers in places like Illinois going bankrupt because of failing farming policies. Or how more stringent gun control policies lead to mass gang violence with nobody able to protect themselves. The US is not going to survive another century in my opinion.

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What state are you from user? Give us a little context.

Nigger it might happen in the 6 mo or 2024


I live in rural Illinois

Food for thought.

Also check out this creative writing by former Democratic presidential hopeful Beto O’Rourke

“As I neared the young ones, I put all my weight on my right foot, keeping the accelerator pedal on the floor until I heard the crashing of the two children on the hood, and then the sharp cry of pain from one of the two,” reads an excerpt. “I was so fascinated for a moment, that when after I had stopped my vehicle, I just sat in a daze, sweet visions filling my head.”

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Well I mean, you kind of live in the biggest Dem state other than NY or CA user... Maybe try somewhere else? You have a pretty massive country.

Well at least you guys aren't speaking German.

Another century?

I'll be surprised if the US makes it to the end of the year.

Illinois is only a blue state because of Chicago. The rest of the state hates that city because all of our politicians cater to Chicago and hardly the rest of the stat

Can I go to UK?
I like blonde girls and ukie accent


The only hope for the US to stay together is for a strengthening of the 10th Amendment. It wouldn't matter as much who runs the federal government if it wasn't controlling so much of our lives.
The reversal of Roe v Wade is a huge step in the right direction for that reason alone.

The last bastion of white los angeles have been destroyed by the mongrel niggers and spics. the metro train allowed niggers to have easy access to white area. Now the white areas are nigger infested. All my friends who can afford to leave Los Angeles have left because you cannot raise a healthy white family when you are surrounded by Jews and their rabid dogs i.e spics and niggers.

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i live in maryland (state of the apes)

I agree and i think the government is planning it. hence why they had that fake virus sent out. the country is continuing to get browner, and children are attending school far and far less.

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i wish we had a Tom the Trucker who could displace the niggers spics and jews and drive them south to mexico as payback for illegal immigration.

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Don't you even dare think your end will be that quick. You have a lot more suffering to do.

The gay gang used to be an exclusive US military thing. Now with globohomo everyone is walking around like a united states marine

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Century? You are that optimistic?

Just don't collapse before I have had time to move to the land of the free home of the brave.

better light a fire under your swedish twink ass

the US won't last another two years, tops.

I think I still have time. Probably won't happen in our lifetimes.