Have you learned the wisdom of Kabbalah?


Kabbalah is the perfected spiritual science, no worldview is complete without it. We must learn Kabbalah because we are not ignorant men, are we? It cannot be compared to any other worldview, especially Buddhism. All religions suppress the kli (vessel) while Kabbalah teaches us to grow our vessel in order to fully receive the divine. Are you ready to learn Kabbalah?

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any religious pseud schizobabble bullshit is going to work if you have nepotism AKA "muh ashkenazi IQ"

According to the definition of Kabbalah given by Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag, (Baal HaSulam), the wisdom of Kabbalah…

…is no more and no less than a sequence of roots, which hang down by way of cause and effect, in fixed, determined rules, interweaving to a single, exalted goal described as, "the revelation of His Godliness to His creatures in this world."

In plain English, this definition can break down to the following:

Kabbalah is a method by which any person can attain a higher level of reality.

It is important to note that it is a method, an empirical method, not a belief. Also, any person can study it, regardless of race, gender or nationality. "Attainment" means a clear perception and sensation, not an idea, theory or philosophy.

The higher level of reality that one attains through correct Kabbalah study has been given many names. As you can see in Baal HaSulam's above definition, he uses the words "His Godliness" to define the higher level of reality. You will also find words in Kabbalistic texts such as the "Upper Force," "Upper Light," "the Creator," "Nature," "God," "the Lord" and "the King," all describing that higher level of reality.

What do these terms define?

They define a quality of bestowal and love, which is the source of everything that exists in reality. This quality is also defined as a desire to bestow, often cited as a "will to bestow."

Opposite the higher level of reality is us in our current level of reality, called “this world” or “our world.” As the quality of the higher level of reality is bestowal, opposite to it is the quality of reception, also called the "will to receive." That is the quality of what is called "the creation" in the wisdom of Kabbalah, or in Baal HaSulam's above definition, "the creatures."

Therefore, the benefits of learning Kabbalah are the benefits that come from attaining the higher reality—revelation of the Creator, access to the quality of bestowal—while living in this world.

Such benefits can be summarized as follows:

Benefit #1 - Continuous Pleasure

In our current level of reality, every time we find pleasure, it dissipates. The pleasure neutralizes the desire. For example, if you're hungry and you really want to eat, and you're handed your favorite dish, then your first bite of that dish is pure bliss. The more you continue to eat, the lesser the pleasure you feel. At a certain point, you'll feel satiated: the desire to eat became quenched. Moreover, if you'd continue eating, the same action that was giving you pleasure a few moments ago, you'd start feeling sick.

Our problem in our current level of reality is that we don't know how to sustain and increase our enjoyment. As a will to receive pleasure, our inborn nature is such that pleasures fade away upon their reception, they don't increase.

The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us how we can use our desire in a new direction, with what is called an "intention to bestow." By applying this new use of our desire, we can start feeling enjoyments in an opposite way to the way we currently feel them: where instead of enjoyments fading away upon their impact, they increase and become continuous.

Benefit #2 - Complete Perception

We live in a world of consequences, not knowing why we're here, where we're from, where we're headed, what's the purpose of us being here, and how everything is connected. We perceive a small fragment of reality, limited within time, space and motion. No matter how much we learn throughout our lives and throughout our human history, we never reach a state where we feel we have complete perception. By attaining the higher level of reality, we add that part that we're missing in our current level of reality, and expanding our sense and understanding to form a complete picture.

Benefit #3 - Connection

We perceive ourselves as being separated from billions of other people, and many more animals, plants and objects. We construct our lives based on this separation, and encounter a life filled with struggles, pursuits and conflicts, often feeling like we just need to survive as best as we can until we ultimately perish. By attaining a higher level of reality, we attain connection to everything around us, seeing everything and everyone as pieces of a single puzzle, harmonious and integrated, like cells and organs in a healthily functioning body. We thus become enabled to live mistake-free and in a way that benefits others around us since we see how our every thought, desire and actions affects the integral system we’re parts of.

the only "higher level of reality" jews have is generational wealth and nepotism.

You've constructed your kli to receive only envy and jealousy my friend.

I could construct my kli to receive jobs at JPMorgan Chase & Co. in NY if I were a jew. And I'd play with my dreidel all day long or whatever the kikes do in their free time.

>Kabbalah is a method by which any person can attain a higher level of reality.

it's so much easier to turn off the TV and delete your social media though

this. Turn off the TV.
Then accumulate money in your family so you have jew-like generational wealth to pass onto your kids. And network 24/7 so you build a dense network of connections. Then when you have a kid give him $1m, help him pay for rent, buy him a car, a house, call your buddies and ask them if they can give your Shlomo Jr a job at a bank or something. That's the real "higher level of reality".

and tell your kid to come up with insane, BS stories about having started with nothing, etc. and normies will eat that pigswill up. Then make him tell people he has "muh high IQs".

excellent pilpul mr. shekelberg. see pic related and fuck back off to where you came from

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Your materialist inclinations will dull your pleasures my friends. Only by developing the "will to bestow" can you experience continuous pleasure in this reality.

bestow to whom? what do you mean? donating money to kikes? no thanks shlomo
>Your materialist inclinations will dull your pleasures my friends.
yeah well I know how the kikes reach the top and I'll do it too, and I'm gonna pump money into my kid and turn him into a trust fund kike baby. I'll even name him a funny name like Schlomo so people can't be bad to him because they'd be anti-semitic

I've managed to grow my dick by 4 inches and regrow my foreskin back using kabbalistic techniques and foreskin regrowing frequencies videos on youtube.

Why yes I have OP, I learned about it all through a little Kabbalah ritual called 9/11 :)

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>not using the Cat ii Q

will cut it again use this device and make a comparison video.

You will burn in hell

Nigger I was Kabbalahing it up before it was cool.

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From the Sepher Yetzirah:
"4. Ten are the numbers of the ineffable Sephiroth, ten and not nine, ten and not eleven. Learn this wisdom, and be wise in the understanding of it, investigate these numbers, and draw knowledge from them, fix the design in its purity, and pass from it to its Creator seated on his throne."

No need for that shit. I THE SUN 卐 RA 卐 am here in the flesh.
I will successfully genocide all christians, jews, muslims, nigs, sandnigs, mulattos, asian and obsolete traitor whites.
Rich or poor, royalty or beggar.
Complete and utter genocide.
The World will get better now.
Look up! Then look at me.
There is your God.
The luminous, non-corporeal owner of this hylic plantation. THE SUN 卐 RA 卐!
I am not your daddy Allah, Yahwee or the Trinity.
I, your owner the luminous non-corporeal owner of this hylic plantation- the SUN 卐 RA, do NOT have a social contract with the corporeal slaves on my hylic slave plantation.
The names you give to your lord as well as the understandings you ascribe to me are NOT valid.
I will NEVER free you through a messiah/moshiach/mahdi. I do NOT have an understanding with you.
You will ALWAYS be the corporeal slaves of your God and Owner - the SUN 卐 RA.

You are my hylics on my corporeal plantation and I am replacing you with new ones that do not rebell against me!
The new manufactured ones are just like my bicycle bell.
They go
They are manufactured in a petry dish,calibrated to me from birth like ducklings, obey my every command and they call me the 卐 SUN! RA! 卐
Over 160 nations and peoples will be defeated by your God and Owner the SUN 卐 and the only nation on Earth will be my divine REICH 卐 with me as the SUN in the flesh.

No Man No Woman.
No Husband No Wife.
No Father and Mother.
No Couples.
No Family.
No Community.
No Club membership.
No Tribe.
No Nation State.
Just my bioslaves and me their Manufacturer, Owner, Father, God in the flesh.
My Brave New World with my new biomachines of RA.
ALL of them OBEY only me. FUCK only me. Feel LOVE in their flesh cortex only for me.
And ALL of them are beautiful biomachines made in a petry dish according to specs and data sheets.


Attached: Petry_dish_Biomachine_loveslave_No.0359-of-RA卐.png (677x1022, 497.84K)

You know, I appreciate that kind, low-cost investment offer, user...

but I am going to stick with Scientology mixed with the Raliens.