Right wingers want to turn our schools into prisons

>Right wingers want to turn our schools into prisons

You people have lost your minds

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Why not just stop sending kids to public schools?

I want to close down schools

Fuck government schools, took my kids out last year for watching netflix CRT bullshit in class.

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Lmao he banned guns at his NRA speech. Nobody was allowed to carry one inside. What a fucking joke, how does this guy even still grift people?

That's literally how city schools in democrat areas do it

>right wingers want to turn our schools into prisons
>leftists literally hired the same architect that designed our countries prisons to design our schools

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Yeah, bullshit. We all know the problem, and its not hard to solve without infringing on peopel's rights.. Its easy to identify outliers and stop them, but the point is the feds identify the outliers, and incite them.

They're already filled with violent niggers. It was inevitable.

Why do YOU need multiple entrances to a school?

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What's the reason America has so many school shooters while Europe doesn't?

Schools are already prisons.

This is how we get shit done,faggot.The modern world is unforgiving and full of degeneracy.

What is insane about preventative safety for kids? How is their day different than now? Retard.

Trump's secretly telling you they are going to do more school shootings to push gun control, so you better stand up and defend your schools by whatever means necessary.

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Public schools are prisons already. The teachers are all dumb as fuck so NO arming teachers is wrong. Retarded old faggot niggers don't have the patience or capacity on how to operate Microsoft Office let alone a fucking gun of any kind.


t. worked as IT Director for multiple public school districts

>muh background checks
Just in, the government has determined any government dissidents are mentally ill and thus are not allowed to purchase firearms.

>this level of security is fine to protect my money at a bank
>this level of security is fine to protect the contents of a jewelry store
>this level of security is fine to protect elected officials
>this level of security is fine to protect the county clerk's office and municipal courthouses
>this level of security is absolutely unacceptable to protect my children

The FBI doesn't operate in Europe.

I'd rather just have them not do anything. All this shit is doing is controlling the population with fear.

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Public schools are already prisons. Children show up, get harassed by minorities while being forced to stay in the same place, and then leave after their state mandatory time.

Every school I have ever gone to was completely open. How do you figure you only have one entrance to a school that is not some giant building like in a bad 90s sitcom?

If you just had kevlar-lined school uniforms, there would be no danger.

Kek, they're already prisons

Armed guards, high security perimeter, bulletproof saferooms in every classroom, metal detectors. I guarantee that with the alienation this prison-like atmosphere will cause for the students school shootings are only going up. The only solution is politically impossible, so they'll just continue circling the drain pretending they're doing something.
All we can hope for is some kino to come out of this madness. I hope next school shooter gets a highscore.

So a police state?

i agree, all REAL americans should keep their kids away from schools, we already know they are LIBTARD indoctrination centers anyway. teach them REAL skills like scrubbing toilets and mopping floors, that'll show the libtard ELITE!

what a great idea

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Trump is brilliant
Expect common sense from the trumpster
Thanks posting this

Simply allowing the teachers to cc would greatly reduce the number of school shootings. But the demonrats will never allow it because school shootings are politically convenient for them.

the FBI and the CIA

Hard work is what America was built on , not leftist sick fantasies


>if everyone who attends a synagogue or a Masonic lodge were rounded up and deported or imprisoned, most of our problems would stop

I'll bet they are already like this in democrat run cities

Again the truth is flowing in this thread

Yeah that is fucking brilliant.

Yes , Jews are the top of the pyramid

And lefty communists want to turn them into brothels.
Fuck you.
We're done arguing with faggots and child raping jews.

Prepare your anus, niggercattle.

In some places, they are. Mostly due to niggers and spics who can't behave

>be in senior year of HS
>move from laissez-faire New Hampshire to Texas
>Unfortunate reality sets in
>clear/mesh backpacks required
>have to tuck your shirt in
>metal detectors at the entrance
>have to have ID on you at all times
>was in "lockdown" more often than not
>bloody fights every day

I'll never figure my parents for wasting my time and putting me in such environment. At least the work was piss easy and the graduation test was shit I did in the 7th grade.

Do you really want roaming gangs of teenagers causing trouble and property damage? There is no alternative.

Needs to look up definition of police state
Ah look at our government right now fool

They already are

My children are homeschooled, and basically run my homestead now.
Each one of them has chosen their favorite hobby to create a business from.

You abort your children.
We already won, faggot.
Go play in traffic.

I actually doubt that but they're tribal as fuck and they're the sheep that hide the wolves in their clothing. I don't think my buddy Zach or my best friend's wife are in on some grand conspiracy but they'd obviously (rightly) side with their own people to the detriment of mine if it came to it. The problem is this dynamic and the nepotism has spread and given them far too much control.

Here's your 2nd Amendment champion, bro. Trumpanzees are delusional.

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They're behind the shootings.
This last one was the sloppiest job yet.
Might even wake more normies than it already has.
The big fear for the glowniggers is the retroactive redpilling.

Sandy Hook...

people begin to remember some old questions.

American schools have more than 1 entrance?

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>school aren't already prisons

ummm... are you okay?

>Kike media still kvetching about the Orange Man

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Hell is a one way street. You can only go in deeper.

Schools dont exist to inspire learning, they exist to promote conformity. Schools are prisons

Headshots, think of the headshots.

So basically what Private Schools already have?

School is already a prison for any kid above 110 IQ

Not all Jews are at the top , but all at the top are Jews
Now fuck off jew
Ovens are waiting

Shut up jew pig

Yeah I went to jail and it was exactly the same as school. Even had the exact same food.

I have foreskin, can you say the same? Or are you marked as a slave of the edomites?

America manufactures like 70% of the worlds guns.

Absolute fucking soul crushing prisons

I mean the fucking houses of Windsor and Saud sure as hell aren't Jewish, but the Rothschilds are.

There's a right to firearms. There's not a right to education.

If you ask Michel Foucault, schools are already prisons