Toninght I made a thread asking why don't you trust AOC. No rational answer was given...

Toninght I made a thread asking why don't you trust AOC. No rational answer was given. Every dumb fucking idiot in this shitty board said something about her appearance. Nobody could tell why not to trust her.

This is the depth of your intellect.

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Why would I trust a Brazilian monkey with an honest answer

whats her qualification?

>why should I be honest
If you worship God, you must be true always.


God's digits do not lie

She said she was Jewish

incel rage. nobody on this board would actually refuse if AOC offered to touch their no-no square

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Here are some reasons:
- AOC sabotaged the AWS HQ deal for Queens
- AOC. spends more time trying to get media attention than serving constituents
- AOC has done nothing for stop the chop
- AOC has not once pushed a major legislative change that addresses changing housing regulation to help the people of Queens

I could go forward, but she kinda sucks to say the least.

kys faggot

>No rational answer was given.
No one said that she constantly votes along party lines despite her socialist rhetoric? That she lied about being in the Capitol building when it was stormed? What about her taking pictures looking sad in front of a fence that had nothing behind it? Her growing up in a nice neighbourhood but claiming she grew up working class?

She is extremely divisive and has little knowledge on how things actually run in the world

Bc shes stupid and you're a dumb Brazil monkey who doesnt even live in our country. Back to the favela monkey

>why don't you trust AOC
Never trust a spic, never trust a woman.

Because virtually everything I've heard her say is either a lie fed to her to say, an idiotic and transparent lie she makes up herself, or just genuine complete idiocy that makes you wonder how she has the mental capacity to put on clothes. She is not trustworthy in terms of her intent, her word, or her competence. If you have seen any of her activities, and had any mental abilities or even a shred of moral fiber you would understand this. As you don't, there is little reason to converse with you rationally, so you will naturally get one liners tossed at you with contempt. That is what you are worth.

She's a professional Democrat politician, and a woman, what more reasons could you possibly need to not trust her?

You presented no arguments. I hope you notice that. For your own sake.

I literally presented two arguments:
1. She's a politician: politicians can't be trusted
2. She's a woman: women can't be trusted

Someone post the photoshoot at a fence with her crying as if innocent kids are held hostage

But its literally just a random fence

She has millions of dollars and will not pay off her student debt while at the same time she advocates for the government cancelling student debt. Tells you everything you need to know about her.

A better question is why some favela monkey is shilling for a Jew York politician. Really activates the almonds

>no rational answer
Then youre either a nigger incapable of reading or a nigger incapable of thinking

Because the dems literally put out a casting call to find someone for their nomination and thought a vapid spic bartender was the best choice. I guarantee that stupid bitch couldn't have named the three branches of govt. before she was installed.

Because she doesn't like people like me and actively wants to make the United States a worse place for right wing middle-class white men to live.

Also because she constantly switches between "strong and powerful woman" and "help me I'm an oppressed victim of the patriarchy." She also says ridiculous shit like the earth will end in 12 years because of global warming.

i don't trust donkey latinx hybrid mongrels
simple as

>never trust a big butt and a smile

BBD knew.

She has never created anything of value, nor said anything logical. She does nothing but make constant appeals to emotion, hoping she can shake her followers into a froth and point them at the nearest (((problem))) and never actually have to come up with a solution to the problems her constituents are worried about. I wouldn't even trust her to get my order right at a restaurant, why would I trust her with anything greater?

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She doesn't seem trustworthy.

Because she is a paid shill for the elites
Either that or, even worse, she is genuinely stupid enough to believe the ridiculous shit she supports.

She's not trustworthy because she literally answered an ad to become a congressperson for the "justice democrats" shes managed by them and given a script. Her audition is literally online

that was hilarious, how the fuck anyone can take her seriously after that one boggles me

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I hope you know youre intentionally ignoring those who actually brought up true points in order to respond to other people so you can make another thread tomorrow claiming noone came up with a good reason you dishonest monkey eating aids ridden faggot

She is a woman and a spic. I trust neither of these on it's own much less together.

Why she isn't trusted? Maybe because she is intellectually vapid. She makes statements that are completely based in shit facts. She thinks she is the Queen of America, and she is condescending. I also have it on good authority that when she is present in chambers, the whole ares takes on a fish market/saltwater smell. And the last thing is that she is fucking a Ginger...a soulless Ginger...eeewww.

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