Incel to Chad

Jaw surgery should be paid for by the government. If 1/3 of all men aren't having sex it's going to make society implode. Turning incel 3/10s into Chad 9/10s levels the playing field.

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fat bitches can get laid because people get horny and desperate, women are always valued more sexually than men

most men under 40 nowadays have almost no real life skills because they're parents or school never taught them and they never had the drive to learn. you cant get laid if your a fat lazy neck beard unless you pay

i used to be an incel until i lost weight and just started talking to girls, now i have a hot gf and half the bitches i fucked had boyfriends, i even had a married woman flash me her giant pierced titties. BITCHES ARE EASY IF YOURE NOT REPULSIVE

their* not they're

shut up faggots you know im right

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He is hiding is hair probably bald also doenst change is face wich is classic beta.

>Jaw surgery should be paid for by the government
Trannies want the gubbermint to pay for their surgeries, so if that ever happens I support this.

that's not chad
the guy in your pic is an aspie looksmax/lookism autist. Those are fillers not implants lmao.

Unironically, what is this surgery called?

t. jawlet

Obsessed coomer. You faggots should just neck yourselves. No one will ever like you or care about your stupid obsession with sex you porn addled troglodyte. Women aren't having sex with you not because of how you look (thinking this is how I know you never have been and never will be with a woman), but because of your surly, bitter and abrasive personality, also your shit hygiene plays a roll.
tl;dr incels need to kill themselves and all incels need to be banned from buying guns.

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vanity at this level is gay as fuck in anyone, but especially in a dude.

personality will improve once he starts getting attention from females
>shit hygiene
this is the most retarded normalfag cope

looked fine before imo.
idk why big jaws are a thing.

>this is the most retarded normalfag cope
Okay, next time you want to go out and talk to women do so without brushing your teeth or showering for a week and then see how it goes, fuckin sumi retard.

Personality and confidence memes are gained through positive affirmation throughout life. How the fuck do you expect an ugly dude who has been treated like shit his entire life to be confident?

just take steroids and growth hormone my man

Looked bogged

>I have no personality or confidence
>It's everyone's fault but my own!!1!!
You incels are worse than blue haired trannys, I swear.

>all i need is a big peepee to be a chad
>all i need is a huge jaw to be a chad
>all i need is a hairs to be a chad
>all i need is a musculs to be a chad

You're all bloody idiots.

Yeah. Strong jaw is good but there must be a harmony in features. Just trying to look as manly as possible will make you into a male equivalent of a bimbo.

Lol he looks weird in the right shot.
Like the face is a rhomboid with pointy corners.

>not because of how you look (thinking this is how I know you never have been and never will be with a woman)
Yeah this is the thing that's really stupid about incels.
They've had their minds wrapped by dating apps and Any Forums pill memes.
In reality, only like 5% of women use dating apps, and mostly for casual sex. Of course in that sort of environment looks matter a lot. In reality, though, looks are secondary at best. No long-term steady and healthy relationship starts out of pure sex appeal. It's mostly about personality compatibility.

NO shit they are easy if you just got the perfect all around look.