How do I grill fish without it sticking to the grill and breaking apart?

How do I grill fish without it sticking to the grill and breaking apart?

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You could use foil to put the fish on, they make fancy sheets of stuff for that too.
Personally just make sure the grill is properly preheated and plenty of oil on the grill before fish goes on, don't touch it until you are ready to go.

use male fish, the female ones are clingy.

This thread seems kind of fishy to me..

Only grill pork.

coat the filets in a thin layer of vaseline before cooking. it prevents all sticking to the grill and will melt off before you eat so you don't taste it

have you tried asking them nicely not to do that

Foil. or in the skin

what kind of fish are you grilling? better not be fish form the ocean user

cover the outside in flour

or use WD-40

Spray a bunch of Oil. Make sure the surface is real hot too. Also flexible spatula.

and use some butter. fry it in a cast iron pan and you are good to go.

Are these things banned in Canada?

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Motor oil works too

Fish is a feminine food. Men shouldn't be eating that. Stick to beef, pork, and maybe chicken.

use foil

Best thread on /pol rn

the correct answer OP...ignore the nick tranny faggots trying to get you to poison yourself

Is /ck/ invading? This is the third fish-related post I've seen.
Anyways user it's all about temperature control. When you heat the grill it expands, as soon as you put the fish on there, it cools down contracting and bonding with the fish.
You need to oil the grill, rub it with some high smoke point oil and let it polymerize a bit then put the fish on there. Remember fish is more delicate than chicken, pork or beef so you don't need the blazing hot coals you might for other meats.

i would try drying the fish with a paper towel
the water creates steam and that causes the problem
maybe even a light dusting with cornstarch to dry it out even more
fry it in oil

Make sure the grill is hotter than hot. Do not flip until it comes away easily on it's own. Don't force it.

aluminum foil


go back

Keep the skin on for certain fish like salmon. Start skin side down. Get a big flat spatula like grill cooks use in restauraunts. When flipping use the spayla at a downward angle, pulling towards yourself with pressure on the grill grate starting with a corner of the filet sliding under diagonally. Let the fish cook. Trying to flip too soon will cause problems. Maybe use a cedar or oak plank to cook on. Maybe your fish variety is not the best for grilling? Mahi, salmon, zwordfish, shark all grill very well, a fragile flaky white fish maybe better suited to other cooking methods. As others have mentioned, foil could be useful.

Best thread on Any Forums rn

Attached: badass fish.webm (360x360, 1.56M)


Use foil and put some olive oil on the fish before grilling it


Wrap it in tinfoil