If leftists are such midwit how come I've never seen someone on the right beat a prominent one in a debate?

If leftists are such midwit how come I've never seen someone on the right beat a prominent one in a debate?

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Becauase leftists endlessly lie, change definitions, lie some more, throw a mountain of double standadds and fallacies at you, and then declare victory to their audience of midwits

This pedo weeb got btfo by Charlie Kirk

You need an IQ of 75 to "beat" vaush.
He's a coward he wouldn't dare approach anyone else. Practically everyone on the right has approached him for a debate.

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These fucking retards don't debate you fucking mongoloid. All they do is sperg out and lie for drama clicks, they are laughing at you all the way to the bank retard.

why the NATO flag tho?

Literally this. When any point you have gets you labeled as a "racist" or a X-phobe and the conversation gets derailed from there, what the fuck is the point of trying to argue?

Vaush won't debate prominent right wingers like Keith Woods. He knows he would likely lose and has said he picks debate based on if he thinks the Right will come out looking good or not.

Because they will delete any debate they lose. Generally flat out refuse to debate anyone that could challenge them. Basically they are stuck on easy mode and refuse to play on normal rules.

Operation Gladio

Trust the plan.

they always refuse to debate anyone with a brain, and only debate those who they perceive as less intelligent, ie only debating cletus from alabama.

Fpbp. Leftists have never won an argument.

Because you are bias and gullible

vaush has lost every fight against intelligent right wingers. that is why he avoids them.

because they've spent the last 100 years censoring, assassinating, imprisoning and smearing anyone who disagrees with them

back in those days they would lie and cheat to convince people they were right, now you dont really need to debate or discuss anything, just look at the double digit amount of examples of countries that have had mass starvation, mass imprisonment, genocide and or hyperinflation as a result of marxist ideas

Because you only watch videos for retarded people.

Aka pilpul

FPBP. It's impossible to "win" a debate against someone who's only trying to win and isn't interested in truth. It's like trying to checkmate someone who just moves the chess pieces however they want instead of following the rules.

also 1pbtid
>all fields

I've never seen a nazi lie in a debate before, that must be a leftists trait

I've literally never seen a leftist win a debate. It's actually why I switched over. Having a solid argument without bias and fallacy isn't that hard, but leftists just can't seem to do it.

Vaush is literally the dumbest fucking person alive with a media following. He literally said you don't have the right to shoot someone in self defense EVEN UP TO THE POINT THEY ARE POINTING A GUN IN YOUR FACE.... Get this... "Because you don't know if they're just trying to subdue you or not".

He argues in bad faith and all he cares about is looking like "he has really good insults". He doesn't care about the quality of his argument. No leftist does, they all just wanna be SaVaGe like their mouth breather idols

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When threads worth discussing are flouded out by this shit

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Fpbp by a mile

>vaush has lost every fight against intelligent right wingers
name one

Half of what the right can say is illegal in most of the western world and in America gets met with protesters on your lawn.