Why did Nick Fuentes destroy his movement for this? How does engaging, picking sides...

Why did Nick Fuentes destroy his movement for this? How does engaging, picking sides, and integrating drama streamers into a serious political movement help save the white race?

We in the AF movement went from courting GOP politicians to trashy reality television in under 6 months... WTF

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>Muh movement
You post memes on the fucking internet kid, you never had a fucking "movement", please for the love of God connect to reality for once

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We had Paul Gosar and MTG at our conference. Where is your conference and your politicians?

Fpbp. This place is bad enough. Please stop forcing me to endure these eceleb cretins with no taste, decency, moral compass or dignity. This has to be an orchestrated advertising campaign.

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Who isnt attracted to catboykami though?

every popular right wing talking head is a grifter. the reality of the situation is that there is no peaceful solution and attempting a political approach will only make you a target for later. everyone with an IQ above 100 can understand that demographics are destiny and debate will never prevail over populism

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nick is a lazy faggot who looks down on working people. He's just a magnet for other circus freaks. The only good thing to come out of his work was the groypers calling out cuckservatives


The better question is why are so many of you mentally ill people obsessed with Ethan Ralph?

You desperately want a lolcow but he doesn't do anything funny. It's literally just "lol he's fat" and pee pee poo poo tier humor. He doesn't even work as a lolcow because he's self aware. Chris Chan getting arrested broke kiwitrannies brains and now they're desperately trying to find the next big thing. Ironically people like metokur, and kino casino are becoming lolcows themselves. They look more petty and unhinged by the day.

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You are mentally ill. Stop making your dogshit content. You come in everything posting your garbage action figure edits. I can just imagine what you look like irl.

getting beaten up in portugal then going back to portugal and getting beaten up by another lolcow is funny

having sex with an 18 year old, releasing a porn video then having a child with that 18 year old who flees from you is funny

hes a funny guy to watch as he goes from car crash to car crash

They have Patrick Little, who's not a fed

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because he wanted to attract more gross and disfunctional fat people and people who are prone to infighting (dramafags).

considering he made his name by infighting with every e-celeb or known WN it's not much of a suprise to be honest.

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I think the better question is, why did two morons decide to go to prison over some gross fat loser.

Who? Who?

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Fuentes is a faggot that does the feds work for them. You don't disavow pro white people, period, that's some kike bullshit. He has done more to counter signal and stop momentum than most, corralling a bunch of zoomers from getting serious.

And how's that working out for ya now, sweaty?

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ever read the Pied Piper story?
a charismatic stranger comes along, fascinates the youth, and ultimately drives them all away to their death and destruction.
"There it is"

I find it ironic too how for a gay beaner who hates "wignats" and cares about optics so much, he has no problem staking hus reputation on Jerry Springer level human beings, as well as saying stuff like "crime is based" or "I'm Hitler 2, 3 and 4 put together". Almost as good for optics as that time Sargoy of Mossad was running for parliament and said his opponent was so ugly he wouldn't even rape her. E-celebs are the biggest retards on planet earth.