Pfizer CEO 50% population dead 2023

So the mass die off from covid vaxx is happing.

Pfizer CEO Says it’s their dream to Reduce the Population by 50 percent in 2023.

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so what are you incels going to do about it other than cry?

>Doomed butthurt vaxxie

Attached: wellbye.gif (498x207, 2.15M)

fake news. video isnt real

What are you talking about? It's too late.

>”We will reduce the number of people in the world *WHO CAN’T AFFORD OUR MEDICINES* by 50%.”

Get a grip, retard. God damn this board is dummer than ever.

What would you do about it fag I mean there was already an uncle that did something in New York this month


Continue to play my own game. Who knows, I might end up in your mother before I'm done

Uncle lol fuckin autocorrect

sit back and enjoy the die off of people who were too stupid to do some critical thinking.
well, enjoy is a bad and wrong word, i should say view

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>I was a coward afraid of the sniffles to undergo mRNA experimental gene therapy and sign all my rights away
>YOU are the pussies

Attached: vaxxieobey.gif (619x672, 1.36M)

This video is doctored, but all those globalist types have already stated somewhere that they want to reduce world population, especially Billy Boy

You must be new here, shitstain.

Bourla is for real some kind of alien. Remember how he has that frog neck?

That mass die-off is always just a few months/years away, huh?

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this one?
i wonder the reason behind this...
to go full shizo, may he got already murdered and they dont wanna make it public, just imagine whats going to happen if people realize they can kill their murderers

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I for one can’t wait. Less traffic, less faggots hanging around. Sounds like the perfect world to me.

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>number of people who can't afford our medicine
yeah, they're not going to kill half of the elite, just half of the commoners
most people can only """afford""" Big Pharma """medicine""" due to insurance trickery

Cry? I am going to open an expensive bottle of whine and celebrate

Based satanic elite ridding the earth of the normie menace

It'll kill off old people primarily and those who had a reduced immune system already. With a cap on fertility and a reduction in life expectancy you've sold the Malthusian problem.

>OP took the bait & was trolled
>He actually says by 2023 they want to reduce the number of people in the world who cannot afford their medicines by 50%
>Timestamp 2:40s
You're a retard OP
Tell me you didn't share this on your normie soc media

where's the snopes article?
no snopes article = real

>you think people would do that? Just go on the internet and spread lies?

>Tell me you didn't share this on your normie soc media
haha lol

>believes I AM EVIL false flags
I can get how people believe the pizzagate-type coded messages stuff, because it's all plausible, but how to morons fall for obvious false flags where people supposedly do a villain monolog in public?