

Attached: 2EF779F9-520D-43C1-BF1D-AFBEBE169253.jpg (827x877, 191.75K)

>gets abortions at 9 months

>screams murderers while grandma is on ventilator for coooovid


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Cringe kkkes. NRA doesn’t do shit

Hey, she's got enough body mass for at least two.

People who had abortions.

shooting her alone would qualify as a mass shooting

She should be protesting outside a McDonald's

>police stand outside of school for 45 minutes with active shooter in it
>"Only the government should have guns!"

I can hear how fat and obnoxious that woman is just by looking at the thumbnail.

>Lard asses screeching


Guarantee they were crying last week when Pro-Life people did the exact same thing

They should yell back: "FROM MY COOOOOOLD DEAD HAAAAAAANDS!" lel

Holy kek, what a way to increase one's mass shooting body count

imagine murdering them

I bet she claps between words and even uses some nigger slang

they were also crying when they saw people walking around maskless.... now they are walking around maskless without a hint of internal conflict

Whales have been protected for some time now user

Tiny crowd

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well arrest the cunts then

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There are definitely still masklet Karens out there still crying over people not wearing them.

emphasis on mass eh?

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Kek same idiots who have abortions screaming about murder

They are also the Karens who would have been fine with the government murdering all purebloods.

Sounds good to me lol

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They do this every few years. They are stupid

The gravityfield she generates would make it impossible to miss.

Don't. Think of the poor person who would have to clean up that mess.

if only she had the power to stop buying shit food

why arent they protesting outside of Texas police stations?

That would be rayciss. There's hispanics in there.

I would be happy to get paid to clean up after somebody murders leftist twats.